The Vitti Fashion Magazine | Page 61


It’s so exciting being part of a photo shoot, having your hair and make-up done and then being styled to create a moment that will live on forever, thanks to the person behind the lens – the photographer. But before we jump ahead to the finished product, shouldn’t we really go to the beginning? What should you know about the photographer before you work with them?

Equipment: A photographer’s equipment is expensive. They have to cover costs of not just a camera but also lenses, triggers, lighting stands, accessories for lighting, batteries, software for editing, and much more besides; for a photographer, there is no such thing as a “free shoot”.

Portfolio: a reputable photographer will have a portfolio which will reference their previous work, and will expect one from a model if she is being paid for working for him. This is because the photographer has overheads so they need to be sure that, when working with a model for a job, that the model knows how to pose and take direction for shots. Many new models make the mistake of presuming they can get paid work with little or no experience – paid shoots should come after the model has built a portfolio of a few different styles, until that time, models should ask for TFP (Trade for Print) work to gain experience.

Genre: Some photographers specialise in styles of photography i.e.; fashion, hair and beauty, glamour, alternative, portraiture. If you know which genre you want to work on then you can research to find a photographer that has covered it. Fashion photographers, can all be found on Facebook, which allows everyone to see their stunning work. Remember, being discovered as a model is all about how you look naturally; Kate Moss was discovered by an agency scout, while sitting in an airport, so a good photographer is one that can envision you in the genre that suits your look. If you meet a ‘photographer’ and they are insisting on nude or glamour shots, then they are not professional or creative.

Good luck to all of our new and future Naomi Campbells and Kate Mosses, the world is yours for the taking; and when you take it remember to thank the people that helped you get there.






Liz Mullan, puts her perspective regarding things models usually look for or are keen to know about a photographer before working with him/her.

Image Photography & Make Up by Trazanne Norwood, Hair by Hair Heaven, shot at Xperience Boudoir, Belfast