I also do ministry with my church , Life in Christ Mennonite , or my family . This includes singing in the train station , prayer walking through our community , helping out with Kids Club and VBS , passing out tracts , or handing out free water bottles to high schoolers . Kid ’ s Club is definitely one of my favorite forms of outreach . I have always enjoyed working with children , and I love all the different nationalities represented at our Kid ’ s Club . I also teach Sunday School for the four to six-year-olds at our church , which I love , because it gives me a fresh perspective on “ common ” Bible stories . Jesus had a heart for children , and I want to see them the way He did .
But I also enjoy hanging out with people my own age . Krissy King , one of the ladies from our church hosts a Bible study for teen girls , and I love it ! Usually , there are about seven to ten girls , and we make crafts or pizza , have a Bible study , and just hang out and have fun . It can get pretty crazy at times , but it ’ s awesome !
Except for three short years in Virginia , I have always lived on the mission field . The first nine years of my life were in Grenada , and the last four and a half in New York . Growing up , I have always realized the need for missions . Every day , I see dozens of people who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God , and I want to reach out to them and share the good news . I also want to tell Christians about the billions of unsaved people , and get them excited about missions . I highly recommend missions to everyone . It ’ s not always easy , but the eternal benefits outweigh everything else !
So , that is my life ! As for the future , I do not have any specific plans after graduation this spring . I want to glorify God and tell others about His Son , Jesus Christ . I honestly do not know how He is planning to work that into my life , but I ’ m trusting Him . He will show me His will in His time .