The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2017 edition Cherish | Page 46

motto speaks of the desire that pulses in my heart – that desire to intimately know my Jesus. Since you’re reading this article, I’m guessing that desire tugs at your heart, too – maybe as you watch the sunset or when you snuggle under the sheets as you go to sleep. Since we ask for the things we long for, knowing Jesus starts with desire. He says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find.” However, I also find that unless I feed my desire for Jesus, selfish de- sires soon control my life. Sometimes I feed my desire for Jesus by just sitting alone and whispering: “JESUS, I WANT TO KNOW YOU.. I LONG FOR YOU TO COME IN AND TALK WITH ME. WOULD YOU PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO KNOW YOU? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” Then listen. Maybe you will hear his heart’s response: “I love you, my daughter. I long to know you and share my heart with you. Come – seek after me. You will find me when your search with your whole heart.” I used to think that I could sum up seeking Jesus in an equation, like a math formula. I liked that memorizing the for- mula could get me the answer every time. Maybe I could discover the formula to knowing Jesus. Read a chapter of the Bible every day. Pray for 10 minutes. Add a de- votional book or prayer journal. Then try to be good all day. But all my trying could 46 never earn me the intimacy with Jesus that I longed for. And since I tried in my human strength, I carried mountains of shame for my repeated failures. But Jesus has been teaching me a new approach. He wants me to trust his love and rest in his salvation. When I rest in him, I seek him because I love him and long for him. I used to try to earn that close rela- tionship by working hard enough. But I’m learning to love and seek Jesus because he first loved me and sought me out! I’m going to suggest several activities that have pow- erfully helped me to open my life to Jesus. But please remember: methods aren’t the magic formula to knowing Jesus! Knowing him starts with desire and comes through fellowship with him. In my experience, keeping intima- cy with Jesus alive requires that I build a foundation of daily spending time in the Word and prayer. The amount of time var- ies based on my schedule and my need that day. This time can also include memorizing Scripture, journaling, reading an encour- aging book, or doing a Bible study. Though simple, this daily routine helps keep me grounded and growing. The time of qui- eting my heart before Jesus goes miles in keeping my heart open to him. Once in a while, I skip that time. But instead of beat- ing myself up for missing something im- portant, I just take a quiet moment to turn my heart to him. Then I make time to spend alone with him the next day. Building on that foundation, I like to get creative! The following routines have each served a purpose at different stages of my journey. Sometimes they create a rou- tine for a season and other times they just add the boost I need to draw closer to Jesus that day or week. I hope these suggestions spark your creativity! • Keep a prayer or gratitude journal • Journal and pray through painful parts of your story • Pray as you walk or run • Spend several hours of solo time at the park or coffee shop • Cry out to him in hard times, even through your tears • Make him your first thought in the morning and last thought at night • Sing and make melody to him in your heart • Do difficult assignments because you love him, even if you don’t really enjoy the task! Let your pursuit of Jesus come out of your desire for him. Learn to distinguish his voice of truth and grace from the clamoring voices of the world and the shaming hiss of the Accuser. Often, as I intentionally cher- ish my relationship with Jesus, I think of that song, “You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek, You are my All in all. Seeking you as a precious jewel, Lord, to give up I’d be a fool. You are my All in all.” Have you made Jesus the treasure you seek? Let us “count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus.” You will never regret intentionally cherishing your relationship with him! My new friends on the airplane didn’t think that God talks to us – at least, they had never heard him. But I had the joy of sharing that Jesus says that his sheep know his voice. Since he wants us to know his voice, then certainly, he is speaking, if we will only listen for him and obey his words! Come join me on this journey of cherishing our relationship with Jesus. I pray that you will “taste and see that the LORD is good.” 47