The Charbonneau Villager
Page 17
December 2013
Continued from page 5
the family moved to the state of
washington, she began studying
classical music and trained as an
operatic soloist. At the University
of washington, she performed in
musicals such as The Sound of
Music. later, while married to a
Fulbright professor, she had the
chance to live in Denmark and
travel all over the world. while
doing so, she began to paint portraits of deprived children in poor
countries. she then developed
“eyes of a Child,” which she
has presented in several western
states. while living in new York
City, she worked as a model and
acted when the opportunity arose.
she has also directed church drama programs in California, texas
and oregon.
Chris and her husband, Jim,
have four children and five grandchildren, whom they visit in three
different states. relative newcomers to Charbonneau, they
are enjoying becoming involved
and getting acquainted with new
Kim Lawson Schultz
A tireless supporter of CwA
and all things Charbonneau, Kim
Schultz, volunteered to co-chair
this year’s Holiday Brunch. Most
of us know her best as Kim lawson, but she recently became Mrs.
pete schultz at a lovely ceremony
in our own community center.
Kim moved to Charbonneau in
1989 with her family, which now
includes four generations living in the community. For many
years she worked in the corporate
environment and, most recently,
owned an antique store in Aurora.
she now enjoys being involved
with many of the activities our
community has to offer. Kim will
be assisting Chris raisch with
decorations and has done much of
the planning for the brunch.
meetings, but are happy to know
she is still planning on attending
our monthly luncheons. thanks
again, ruth, for all you’ve done!
Don’t Miss CWA’s
January Luncheon
Featuring Entertainment
By The I-5 Connection
Monday, January 13, 2014, is
the day this choral group, which
includes many members from
Charbonneau, will entertain us.
the I-5 Connection singers, with
Jocelyn Higgins as their director, are in their twentieth season. new voices have joined the
group, bringing their numbers to
CWA President Diann Harland
presnets Ruth Hagland some
flowers on her retirement from
the organization.
Almost 99 Years Young
- Ruth Haglan Retires
our Charbonneau women’s
Association longstanding member, Ruth Haglan, has recently