The View 38002 September 2014 | Page 9 theview theview September 2014 Page 9 donelson elementary Donelson Elementary Named a Top 5% School SPECIAL TO THE VIEW 38002 Arlington Community Schools Superintendent Tammy Mason made an impromptu visit to Donelson Elementary on August 21 to Congratulate Principal Cherry Davidson and the DES Teachers for earning “Reward Status” by the Tennessee Department of Education based on performance for overall student achievement. Reward Schools are the top 5 percent of schools for performance and the top 5 percent of schools for progress. Schools are designation is designated as Reward determined by a onefor performance for year TVAAS school overall student composite. achievement. This Mason encouraged the designation is staff to continue the determined annually good work they are by a one-year success doing. Mason rate. reminded the staff that A success rate is just a few months ago, calculated by adding ACS Superintendent Tammy Mason DES was recognized as together the total (left) with Donelson Elementary a Highly Effective number of proficient or Principal Cherry Davidson (center) and School based on advanced students in faculty. Staff Photo. progress. To be each subject and dividing by designated as Reward for recognized in the same year the total number of test takers progress for having high for both performance and for each subject. Schools are student growth. This progress is a rare distinction. Take Us Out to the Ballgame! Donelson Elementary 5th grade students sang the National Anthem at the Memphis Redbirds on August 23 under the direction of Jennie Zwissler as part of Arlington Community Schools “Night at the Redbirds.” Photo courtesy of DES Kevin Yates, ACS Board Member and DES Parent, was also present to offer his congratulations and appreciation. Although the names of the state’s Reward Schools were released to the media later that morning, Mason wanted the principal and teachers to hear it from her first. Davidson attributed the success of her school to a unique sense of partnership among the teachers and their dedication to continued success. “We believe that our teacher collaboration sets us apart from other schools in that every teacher cares about the well-being of all students at Donelson Elementary,” Davidson commented. “Donelson teachers and staff are lifelong learners, always reaching out to learn some new techniques and strategies to assist us with success.” —Additional contributions by Terry Louderback