October/November 2013
Page 5
Arlington School Board Candidates
Dexter Orman
Position 2
Dexter Orman was
contacted for this article,
but did not submit
Instructions given to Candidates:
The same four questions will be asked of every candidate. Candidates should answer each
question separately, but the total number of words for the four answers combined should not
exceed 275 words. Answers will not be edited, except in cases of inappropriate language, libel, or
excessive length.
Question 1: What are
your qualifications for
this position, and what
specific skills and
experiences do you
bring to the board that
will assist with starting
a municipal school
Danny Young
My wife & I have 5
children; I have always
taken a hands-on approach to their education.
Have been a Substitute
Teacher, studied child
development, have a
Former US Marine in
high security levels in
many different leadership
roles, been a District
Manager over larger
areas, personnel, working
within budgets. Have
integrity, honesty, transparent, open, trustworthy,
accessible, and approachable. Believe in being
held accountable, having
check/balance systems in
place to ensure accountability. Able to think outside the box & stay focused on the task, work
well with others, strong
person that believes in
standing up for what is
right. Frontline advocate
for students
Barbara Fletcher
I attended Shelby
County Schools and
graduated from Bolton
I attended the
University of Memphis
and received a B.S. and
Master’s in Elementary
Education, plus Certification in Administration and
Supervision. I was employed with Shelby County Schools for 36 years as
a teacher, assistant principal and principal. Since
retiring from SCS, I have
been employed with Crye
Kevin Yates
I have a professional
background in education,
business and project
management. I believe
my experience in the
classroom along with my
business and project
management skills will
serve the board in a
unique way. My recent
experience has allowed
me to work on major
corporative initiatives that
have involved large, cross
-functional teams in
efforts to implement new
solutions within specific
Kay Williams
I served 31 years in
the Shelby County S ?????\?[K\???HXX?\??[?[?YZ[?\??]??B??\??X?H[X?Y?\?Y[??H?[?H??[?B??YX?][?[\????X][??[??X?H??YYZ[?\??]??HYX\???????H?[?Y?YH?]????????????]?\??\?[[Y[?\?K??]?[?ZYK[????[?[[Y[?\?K?H???X?[??[?X\?\??Y?Y\????HH[?]?\??]H?Y[\\??\?[?KH[H[?Y?[????\???]??\?X[????\??[?]?\??]H?\\??\?[???Y[?[?[?\??XX?\????[H?[???H[HHYX]?X?[?\?]\???]?\??^HX\?B????\??H[????Y??[??[??H?X??\??[??\?[?\??H]?HYX?]Y^HY?H[??\?Y\?H?\?H??[?[?[??]?\?H^HH[H??Y??[?\?[???\?YB??]H]?\??Z\???[?[???[?\?\?XB?[X[??H?[H[YX[???]\?\?[?B?[\?[?N??]X?[[??[??\?X[?]?H??]?\?B??\?K]?\?H[YK?\?\?]H?[??[???B???????\????]Y\?[?????\?[???ZYH?????[?\?[???Y??????\?HX??HZ\??[?[?Y?\X?]K[???X?[?HH??\?\??Y?\?
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