The View 38002 November 2017 | Page 9

November 2017 theview . com Page 9
Artist Spotlight : Little Studio on the Square A Great Place for Artists of All Ages to Call Home By Melanie Anderson
The town of Arlington has a new business on the town square that provides a host of artistic opportunities and services to its residents young and old . Arlington has become
home to the “ Little Studio on the Square ” affectionately nicknamed LSOTS , the brainchild of a local couple who saw the need for a space where artist of all ages could come together to make and experience art . The historic building itself has been refurbished and redecorated to create an inviting , light filled space for creating art , or for simply hanging out on a nice day on the beautiful covered porch and enjoying the town square . LSOTS utilizes Arlington ’ s talented pool of local art students to help with classes and camps for young artists , and holds nighttime “ adults only ” paint parties taught by professional artists . LSOTS also provides a beautiful space for local artists to show their work with ongoing art exhibits and openings . When classes are not in session , LSOTS provides studio space , rentable by the hour , to artists of all ages . We caught up with one of the owners of LSOTS , Ashley Burns , to
Ashley Burns “ at home ” in the Little Studio on the Square
learn more about how this came about , and why they chose Arlington for their business . Here ’ s what Ashley had to say about LSOTS :
Q . Why did you decide to open Little Studio on the Square ( LSOTS ) in Arlington ?
A . We love the community . There ’ s no place like it in Memphis . When I started working out here in 2013 I used to think — man it ’ s a long drive . It didn ’ t take long to realize how supportive and caring the entire community is . There was no question we wanted our dream to be out here . When the space became open we jumped . The location is perfection . We couldn ’ t ask for a better location or better neighbors in the Merchants Association .
Q . What is your
Young artists create at LSOTS mission at LSOTS ?
A . We want LSOTS to be the kind of place you just want to sit and stay for a while . Whether you came to make art or just be . We want you to want to be here . Beyond that
we want to be a place where novice and recreational artists can come to have fun and connect with those around them . And we want to be a place where the serious artist can come to hone and develop their craft .
Q . Do you have a business partner ?
A . My amazing husband and I started this together . We fit together like “ peas and carrots ” as Forrest Gump would say . I ’ m the artist and developer of the creative in our shop and he is the marketing mastermind . Paul is truly talented at spreading the word about who we are and what we are doing .
Q . What is it like to work with your spouse ?
A . It ’ s been pretty cool . There have been several times we just sat
back and said , “ Can you believe we are doing this ?” We work well together .
Q . What are your long -term goals for LSOTS ( and beyond )?
A . We want to raise awareness about how amazing all of the shops in Arlington are . We want the rest of Memphis to know what everyone out here knows - that this is an amazing place with amazing people and great shopping ! We want to spread our brand throughout the city and grow our shop to multiple locations . We want our Arlington space to be a premier destination for artists around the city and even the country to come and develop skills with master artists in our area .
Q . Have you always lived in the Memphis area ?
A . Yes . I was born and raised here . I grew up in Cordova , went to Christ the King , Riverdale Middle , Germantown High , and got both my degrees from Memphis College of Art . I am truly a local girl .
Q . Did you start your career as a professional artist ?
A . No . I started my career as an Admissions Counselor for Memphis College of Art . Several years later I decided to see if I enjoyed teaching and became the chair of the art department at Germantown High where I had also graduated . That was pretty cool . Eventually I made it out here and was one of the art teachers at Arlington Middle . Now I ’ m their CTT which means I do all things iPad .
Q . Do you make art professionally ?
A . When I have time ! Currently I ’ m working on a nine piece commission for a local business .
Q . Who had the biggest influence on your art ?
A . My biggest influencers have been those closest to me . I ’ d have to say people wise- Remy Miller , Samantha Sherry , and Mary Kay VanGieson have been teachers and artists who inspire me . From my childhood- my great grandmother Munny ( Thelma Wright ). My earliest art student memory was spending the night at her house and waking up to go to her studio ( in her house ) and she opened up a Georgia O ’ Keeffe book . She told me to pick one I liked and then she showed me how to make a master copy using chalk pastel . She surprised me by having it framed . It ’ s still at my mom ’ s today .
As far as being a human , my grandmother Lucille Brown has been my biggest influencer . She was a spitfire who always told it like it was but was somehow the most funny , wise , and patient person I ’ ve known . Whenever I start to get stressed or freak out about something I hear
her voice asking , “ Ashley Gayle , does it really matter ? Is this really a big deal .”
Q . What made you decide to teach art ?
A . I wanted to see if I was any good at it and if I enjoyed it . That was 2008 . Turns out I love education and working with kids .
Q . What 3 adjectives describe you best ?
A . Driven , passionate , focused
Q . What inspires you and your art ?
A . Pattern and color . I love pattern . I see it everywhere . I love integrating it into my work .
Q . What was the proudest moment of your life ?
A . Marrying my husband , becoming a mom , and opening the Little Studio .
Q . Do you have a favorite artist past or present ?
A . Past : Gustav Klimt & Renoir ’ s Luncheon of the Boating Party , and George Seurat ’ s Sunday in the Park with George , and I love modern artist Bobbie Burgers .
Q . Do you have a specific mentor ? How has that person influenced you ?
A . Sam Sherry . She is focused and driven and a one-woman powerhouse . Her work is gorgeous and she never stops trying to reach for more dreams .
Q . Do you have an
Two of Burns ’ most recent works , featuring sights from around Arlington , commissioned by a local business . activity , other than creating and teaching art , that is at the top of your list ?
A . I love sewing and movies . Everything about movies .
Q . Name one goal you ’ d still like to accomplish …
A . I ’ d love to get into event planning .
Q . Does LSOTS have any upcoming events ?
A . We are cooking up some awesome holiday painting events and gift making for kids art for the holidays .
Q . If someone wants to take a class at LSOTS how do they sign up ?
A . Go to our Facebook page and click Book Now . It will take you to our book site which will give your our current schedule .
Photos courtesy of littlesots