The View 38002 November 2017 | Page 6

Page 6 theview . com November 2017
October Real Estate Update
By Jim Jones , Special to THE VIEW 38002
Memphis and Shelby County home sales prices continue climbing to new heights .
Average home sales prices increased 13 % in October , resulting in an 11 % increase in total home sales volume from last October . Despite rising
Home Sales by Municipality
prices , the total number of units sold in October was just down slightly with 1,474 sales recorded for the month compared to 1,501 last year .
Through the first ten months of this year , the number of home sales recorded are up 9 %, average home sales prices are up 5 %, and total home sales revenue is up 14 % from the same period in 2016 .
Following is a breakdown of October home sales by municipality comparing 2017 figures to 2016 :
“ This article is derived from the Pulse Report offered by Chandler Reports ”
“ Filling Buckets ” at Lakeland Senior Center
Story and Photos by Kim Odom , Lakeland Senior Center manager
On October 18 , buckets runneth over at the Lakeland Senior Center , when guest speaker of Lunch & Learn , Sharon Fryman , community outreach manager for Saint Frances Hospital Bartlett asked senior participants , “ How Full Is Your Bucket ?”
The bucket Fryman referred to is a metaphor for one ’ s wellbeing .
Fryman presented the group with the theory of the dipper and the bucket , from her favorite book , “ How Full Is Your Bucket ?,” by Tom Rath and Donald O . Clifton . The authors suggest that everyone has a physiological bucket within that needs to be filled with positive experiences , such as recognition or praise . In the book , it explains that everyone also has a physiological dipper and how being negative towards others can drain a bucket and diminish one ’ s positive outlook .
Fryman talked about how one ’ s bucket can be constantly emptied or filled , depending on what others say or do to . “ When we use our dipper to fill someone else ’ s bucket , by saying or doing things to increase their positive emotions , we also fill our own bucket ,” she explained . “ When we use that dipper to dip from others ’ buckets , by saying or doing things that decrease their positive emotions , we diminish ourselves .”
The outreach community manager presented ways she fills the buckets of her staff and colleagues , and the positive impact it has on her own bucket . She shared that it can be as simple as telling someone thank you or giving a thank you note – for the simplest things . She shared how she recently gave someone a thank you note for emptying her trash can each day . “ I didn ’ t know that person or their name . It can be a little challenging to get that
Guest speaker of Lunch & Learn , Sharon Fryman , community outreach manager for Saint Frances Hospital Bartlett asked senior participants , “ How Full Is Your Bucket ?”
information sometimes , but it ’ s worth it to fill someone else ’ s bucket .”
Fryman encouraged everyone to be a bucket filler . “ A full bucket gives us a positive outlook and renewed energy ,” said Fryman . “ Every drop in that bucket makes us stronger and optimistic .”
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