The View 38002 November 2017 | Page 4

Page 4 theview . com November 2017
Getting Published
By David B . Peel , Special to THE VIEW 38002
Seeing a book I wrote in print has been a very strange feeling . It ' s a bit surreal to see something you created now listed for sale on Amazon . com .
The inspiration for Two Feet or Ten ? Perspectives Matter : What You Don ' t See When You Drive came from speaking with the local community at churches and clubs , as well as my weekly articles that I publish and post to my blog .
Reaction to the book has been very positive . A friend of mine who read it says it takes hard concepts and makes them understandable . Another friend is going to increase his insurance on his car because now he understands better what each auto coverage really does .
A friend of our family is packing a “ go bag ” right now because of the section on being prepared before something happens . One of their family members has a recently diagnosed heart problem so that really hit home to them .
The Holidays Are Upon Us . Tips for Small Businesses to thrive this Holiday Season

By Tony Jackson , Special to THE VIEW 38002 business

But the cover picture gets the most reaction . When people realize that those dashes they been driving by all these years are not 2-3 feet long but are considerably longer , a full ten feet , it makes one wonder what else one has missed . That was the inspiration for the title and the cover picture of me standing in the road .
It is loyal readers who have inspired this project and for that , I thank you .
If you take a minute to download the Kindle version or even order the paperback and read it , let me know what you think .
Elizabeth Rook Named “ Top 40 Under 40 ”
Special to THE VIEW 38002
Elizabeth Rook has been announced as one of the men and women recognized as the Top 40 Under 40 by The Memphis Business Journal . The MBJ describes these 40 professionals as “ the best and brightest men and women under the age of 40 in the Memphis and Mid- South area .”
“ I am honored to be recognized with such a prestigious award from The Memphis Business Journal . I couldn ’ t do what I love without the constant support of my family and team ,” said Rook .
The men and women that have been awarded with the 40 Under 40 title are those who have made significant contributions to the community in business , professional , civic , and personal categories .
Elizabeth Rook Insurance , LLC is a local , family owned business that offers Home , Auto , Business , and Life Insurance . Rookwas also a finalist in 2014 for Executive of the Year by The Memphis Business Journal . She currently sits on the Board for Insurors of Memphis as a VP . Elizabeth is involved with many philanthropies within her community . She is a Wish Grantor at Make-A- Wish ® Mid-South , a Best Buddies Sponsor , and a proud partner of the Memphis Tiger Athletics .
Yes , I know …., It all seemed to come so fast . It seems like yesterday we were just ringing in the new year , counting down , and here we are in the season of changing leaves , Thankfulness , eggnog , and Christ ’ s Birth . Where did the time Go ?
At any rate IT IS HERE . Along with the circular ads , deep discounted products , and door-busters . Small business owners have to come up with creative ways to keep our customers engaged and stay top of mind .
Tip 1 : Be Thankful . In the spirit of Thanksgiving first and foremost tell your
customers how much you really are Thankful for them patronizing you , and supporting you to help you feed your family .
Tip 2 : Get in the Holiday Spirit . As simple as it may seem , just playing tunes of the season is a great add-on to any brick and mortar location , whether you ' re a restaurant , retail , or service driven , It gets people in the spirit of shopping and happiness . ( doesn ’ t apply to Scrooges )
Tip 3 : Offer something unique . Hot Cocoa while they shop , or Cider . A small gesture goes a long way .
Tip 4 : Ask for Referrals . Along with Thanking your customer , every chance you get ( even outside of the holiday season ), encourage them , and outright ask them to tell their friends about you , and your business .
Tip 5 : Offer a Special Discount , or item that might be a great stocking stuffer . Maybe even label it “ Great Gift Idea .” If your customer agrees , they will buy it .
Tip 6 : Be HAPPY . Some people in these holiday seasons are down for one reason or another , or maybe stressed for whatever reason . If you keep the 100 % bubbly personality it will rub off on them and make for a better day , and even if they are a Scrooge they will leave quickly because you ' re just too darnn nice and they can ’ t stand it !