April 2014
( Candidates, cont)
employee workforce to
fill Shelby County jobs
Inflated residential and
business property tax rates
as well as high personalty
tax rates for small
Continual push from
Memphis officials to force
county-wide consolidation
Unfunded OPEB liability
from the City of Memphis
I will work on behalf of
the citizens of Lakeland by:
Working to stabilize and
reduce the countywide
residential tax rate so that
the people of Lakeland
can invest more of its hard
earned money into their
own local government and
Partnering with the Mayor
of Lakeland and its Board
of Commissioners to help
achieve their short-term
and long term strategic
objectives for the City of
Continuing to strive for
efficient, effective, and
affordable county
Name: Sherry Simmons
City of Residence: Bartlett
Occupation/career: Educator
Facebook: Elect Sherry
[email protected]
As a lifelong conservative
educator using interpersonal
and communication skills, I
belong to professional and
civic organizations that
encompass a variety of
stakeholders with the vision
to promote Shelby County,
yet preserving the unique
q u a l i t ie s o f d i v e r s e
municipalities. I reflect
continuously on what works
and what doesn’t; setting the
climate of control with my
words, tone, and actions;
keeping my vision clearly
focused on goals.
Networking with businesses
and the faith based
community, working with
federal and state budgets, I
conservatively spend tax
dollars to improve our
schools. Reflecting on actions
and outcomes, I constantly
ask, “Is this working; what
Voter Registration
You may register to
vote if you:
Are 18 years of age or
older by election day
Are a U.S. citizen
Are a resident of
Have not been convicted
of a felony or, if
convicted, had voting
rights restored by court
order or pardon
You will need a photo ID
to vote which includes your
name and is issued by the
Federal government or
Recently Moved?
Once you have registered in
Shelby County, you must re-
can we do differently to make
it better?”
Education and economic
development are the two
greatest issues facing us.
Education is the umbrella,
protecting every aspect of
quality life. Successful public
schools attract ne w
businesses that promote
economic growth. Primary
production facilities such as
Brother, Wright Medical, and
Smith & Nephew bring the
right kind of growth to our
register only if you have
returned to Shelby after
moving to another county and
had registered to vote in that
Find registration forms and
more information
Early Voting
Early voting at the Shelby
County Office Building, 157
Poplar Ave., will be between
April 16 and May 1. Early
voting at Satellite Locations is
set for each election. Voters
may cast ballots at ANY
location during early voting,
but only at their assigned
polling places on Election Day.
Satellite early voting at The
Refuge Church, 9817 Huff
and Puff, Lakeland, will be
April 25-May 1 from 10:00
am—7:00 pm on weekdays
and 10:am—4:00 pm on
Page 19
suburbs. With these primary
industries, we increase retail
growth, housing sales, and a
larger tax base to fund our
municipal schools. Our
citizens have proven they will
only accept the highest
quality of education for their
I will assess, reflect, and
act in good faith for the
citizens who trust me to
represent them. I have taken
a proactive approach in
addressing the issues that
affect Lakeland by contacting
the Mayor, Commissioners,
joining Partnership Lakeland
and the Lakeland Chamber of
Commerce, attending School
Board Meetings, Lakeland
PTA meetings, and daily
contact with Lakeland
Elementary School. I will
represent my constituents
with the same conservative
voice as the people who elect