The VIBE TheVibeMagazine_170727 | Page 2

FROM VISION TO REALITY WHAT’S IN A NAME? No matter where you track on the timeline, no matter the highs and lows of the journey, Florida Rd has always been steadfastly Durban. Now, thanks to the collective focus of passionate “doers” in both the public and private sectors, Florida Rd is set to reveal its character and reclaim its place as a key player in the future growth of Durban. You are part of another defining moment in the journey of this unique place, so stand by for the Florida Rd vibe... Welcome to the first edition of The VIBE. A quarterly publication developed by the Florida Rd place- making committee and Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP) to serve its dynamic community. We are so excited to have a dedicated space to share the news and views of the Roads’ food, culture, work, family, design and party happenings, a space to keep in touch about this rapidly evolving place. So, let’s share…and focus because this is the whirlwind summary! We start with hard-core strategy, summing up the Florida Rd brand DNA and urban development programs and sharing some of the key points from this discovery. Some of the influential voices on the road give us their insight into the future of the place, and then we reveal the new Florida Rd visual identity before telling you where to next and explaining how you can get involved. What exactly is this vibe? Well…really it is a combination of things, brought to life in different ways for different people, but what is consistently clear is the desire for quality of experiences across the place in the future. Essentially The VIBE is here to re-ignite the fire in those that may have left the road, while delivering on promises made to the die-hards for their commitment to keeping this place relevant and uniquely Durban. MIKE HOLLAND AND CARA REILLY FLORIDA RD PLACE-MAKING COMMITTEE WALKING THE ROAD WITH THE UIP 01 Zethe Mdletshe singing at the 2016 Remember Me public-space event at Gordon Rd Park The UIP has been providing active services to Florida Rd since October 2013, after a collective of Florida Rd property owners and stalwarts decided the road was worth saving and began knocking on doors eventually raising R185 000 to establish the Florida Rd UIP. 02 Mpume and Anita take a much-needed break during our cover shoot As per the mandate laid out in the agreement between the UIP and the eThekwini Municipality (eTM), precinct manager Jarrod Evans works with his team and various eTM departments providing comprehensive services to the road. See service provision in numbers below. Our mags’ name was chosen by, (drum roll) you! Through the brand DNA process undertaken last year with community stakeholders, (kudos and gratitude to the hundreds of you that completed our very long surveys) it was immediately clear. When asked what single word jumps to mind when you think Florida Rd, the resounding answer was vibe. 02 03 03 Prikash Bhikhal from the eThekwini’s municipal local area planning department sharing insights at the Florida Rd Insight Workshop at the Botanical Gardens 04 One of Durban’s trend setting pop-up eateries has chosen Florida Rd as its permanent home 04 01 URBAN MANAGEMENT IN NUMBERS ON FLORIDA ROAD FROM JANUARY TO MARCH 2017 SAFETY & SECURITY Made 4 arrests CLEANING, GREENING & MAINTENANCE MUNICIPAL SECURED MAINTENANCE & UPGRADES 02 | THE/VIBE Requested Police assistance on 44 occasions Provided assitance at 8 vehicle accidents 224 cases of bylaw enforcement Assistance provided to 18 members of public 144 Filled 2959 refuse bags Removed 30 incidents of graffiti Carried out 38 maintenance projects Carried out 20 greening projects The total number of service requests Secured the installation of 10 speed humps Upgrades to the historic tram shelter 29 repairs to roads, paving and signage 14 electrical related faults resolved 12 DSW related concerns resolved