Poverty has and most likely will continue to affect our nation, therefore one candidate must step up and help end this worrying topic. Although Republican candidate John Kasich consistently praises that giving to the poor is not only morally, yet practically right, he supposedly does not practice what he preaches. According to thefederalist.com, in an article about Kasich, a review of Kasich’s 2008 tax returns show that his actual actions don’t complement his proposals. Another surprising fact about a Republican candidate has to deal with Ted Cruz. Cruz, despite not promising to the world that, if he becomes president, he would immediately focus on poverty, still only managed to give an astounding 0.9% of his total income to charities. But, Carly Fiorina, one of the first to drop out of the race, makes up for the lack of giving to charities by giving approximately 13% of her total income to foundations to help the lower class of America.
This particular presidential race, which has consisted of many unexpected turns, has showed the nation that, although poverty seems to be a huge issue among American citizens, our next leader may not be as “on top” of the situation as we would hope. Unfortunately there still remain hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans, struggling to live another day, but the next generation will have to step up in order to significantly reduce that number.