The Spark's View:
On May 31, 2013, Now You See Me directed by Louis Letrerrier was released. The movie received mixed reviews, some saying that the characters are poorly developed, and others praising the clever yet thought – provoking plot.
Now You See Me is about a game of cat and mouse between a group of amazing magicians called The Four Horsemen and the FBI. The Four Horsemen perform controversial magic shows as they play the role of Robin Hood, stealing money from the rich and giving it to those who have lost it.
I love thrillers and Now You See Me had me on the edge of my seat. Who doesn’t love seeing magic tricks that cause you to question reality? The tricks the characters performed were very entertaining and fun to watch.
Although I highly recommend Now You See Me, it was very rushed with a few plot holes. My main issue is that Letrerrier never bothered to elaborate on the main reason the Four Horsemen were doing their grand schemes. Yes they did mention that The Four Horsemen did their tricks in order to be accepted into “The Eye”, a secret society of magicians but what on Earth does “The Eye” do for their magicians? The character development was also very weak. Only a portion of the Four Horsemen's backstory is revealed to the audience. Expanding upon this would have been a wise decision in order to better connect the viewer with the story's characters.
correct decision. As always Woody Harrelson as Merrit McKinney gave the movie great comedic moments and Jesse Eisenberg with his fast-talking intelligent persona was great for Daniel J. Atlas. Characters outside The Four Horsemen are also very talented. Mark Ruffalo is Dylan Rhodes, an FBI agent assigned to investigate The Four Horsemen and Morgan Freedman is Thaddeus Bradley, an ex-magician who has made money by revealing the secrets behind other magicians' tricks.
As an overview, I suggest that you go and watch Now You See Me as soon as possible. It is a movie with many necessary elements of an entertaining movie. There is humor, intelligence, action, and a bit of romance. I myself say that I can’t wait until the sequel comes out. I highly plan on watching it as soon as it hits theaters.
Although it is clever, like most of the movie, it felt rushed and the ending left many unanswered questions. Maybe simply ten more minutes would have allowed a smoother transition to the slightly contradictory ending. However, a sequel has been announced so the unanswered questions may be answered. Nonetheless, Now You See Me is a great movie that never got boring. And that is certainly the goal of a movie. Movies are for entertainment and I couldn’t agree more that when watching Now You See Me I was praising the amazing tricks and well thought out plan of the magicians.
The cast is certainly one to impress. Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco, Woody Harrelson, and Isla Fisher as the Four Horsemen was the correct decision. As always Woody Harrelson as Merrit McKinney gave the movie comedic moments and Jesse Eisenberg with his fast-talking intelligent persona was fitting for Daniel J. Atlas. Characters outside The Four Horsemen are also very talented. Mark Ruffalo is Dylan Rhodes, an FBI agent assigned to investigate The Four Horsemen and Morgan Freedman is Thaddeus Bradley, an ex-magician who has made money by revealing the secrets behind other magicians' tricks.
As an overview, I suggest that you go and watch Now You See Me as soon as possible. It is a movie with many necessary elements of an entertaining movie. There is humor, intelligence, action, and a bit of romance. I myself say that I can’t wait until the sequel comes out. I highly anticipate on watching it as soon as it hits theaters.
-Ejin J.