The VFMS Spark Spring Edition 2014 | Page 39

I shake my head and slowly rise from the bench which releases a moan as I release a slow, steady sigh. I grab my bow and head for the woods hoping to catch some meat for dinner. The soft grass provides a silent carpet on which I lightly tread across hoping to not make a sound.

Reaching the creek I make my way across the mossy rocks which have been worn down from my many trips. About half way, my foot escapes from underneath me, failing to grab a hold of the textured moss. A small cry of surprise flees from my lips as I tumble towards the icy, fast-flowing water that lurks beneath me. To my luck, the branch from the old tree hangs above my head on to which I quickly latch on. My feet however were not so lucky, and they received a thorough drenching leaving me with icky, dripping shoes. Now making slight squelching noises, I traipse through the wood where most of my catches usually preside.

I hear a noise across the clearing and I narrow my eyes in suspicion. No one ever comes to this part of the woods. Something flashes across my sight of vision. Then, I see something in the center of the clearing. Cautiously, walking forward, I keep my eyes and ears peeled for the slightest noise. As something creaks behind me, I whip out my bow, loading it in one continuous move. Nothing there. I reach the center and gasp as I see a brilliant blue stone which emanates a powerful glow. I bend down to pick it up not losing my attention for even one minute. A split-second before my fingers curl around its smooth sub-zero surface (a rarity in this summer heat), I see the most beautiful boy possible, with brown hair and the sharpest of blue eyes. His angled face is the last thing I see before being sucked into the darkness of oblivion.