The VFMS Spark Spring Edition 2014 | Page 17

5 Tech Trends

Data Storage

With the use of 3D printing, aspiring inventors, as well as artists and a multitude of people, are given the opportunity to create works that they would not previously been able to. It allows its users to create pieces of machinery or can print out sculptures.

Hard Drives are destined to stop working and have underwhelming speeds. Both of these problems are fixed with two solutions that have been garnering popularity for a noticeable time. First off, cloud based storage relieves the hassle of hardware failures as well as allowing users to access files through different devices. On the other hand, for hardware consumers, SSDs are slowly increasing in capacity while going down on price, and will surely make the common hard drive obsolete.


3D Printing

With new contraptions such as the oculus rift paving the way for virtual reality, we aren't far away from entering any place in our imagination. The oculus rift is a device that connects to its user's head and allows items to be displayed which then interact with the user's movements.

Virtual Reality

-Eugene C