| September 25, 2018
History of the Diocese of San José
The Diocese of San Jose is coter-
minous with the boundaries of Santa
Clara County, which includes 15 cities/
townships and some unincorporated
areas under county jurisdiction. The
Diocese of San Jose belongs to the Eccle-
siastical Province of San Francisco, con-
sisting of the Metropolitan See of the
Archdiocese of San Francisco and the
Dioceses of Honolulu, Las Vegas, Oak-
land, Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City,
San Jose, Santa Rosa, and Stockton.
Beginning with the famous Califor-
nia missions, more than two centuries
of Catholic life prepared Santa Clara
County for its own diocese. Saint Ju-
nipero Serra founded the first of Cali-
fornia’s historic Franciscan missions,
San Diego de Alcala, in 1769. In 1777,
the Franciscan Fathers founded Mis-
sion Santa Clara de Asís, which later
became Saint Clare Parish. Before his
death at San Carlos Borromeo Mission,
Carmel, in 1784, Father Serra estab-
lished eight more missions and laid
the groundwork for the whole chain
of 21 missions.
Upper California was part of the
Diocese of Sonora, Mexico, during the
early days and, after 1840, it was under
Bishop Francisco Garcia Diego, the first
bishop of Alta and Baja (Upper and
Lower) California. Spanish Dominican
Joseph Sadoc Alemany, OP, was bishop
of Monterey when it was established in
1850, then became Archbishop of San
Francisco when it was created in 1853.
At that time dioceses were not divided
along county lines; Gilroy and Morgan
Hill remained part of the Diocese of
Monterey-Los Angeles.
In 1922, Rome accepted county lines
as diocesan boundaries, and Gilroy
and Morgan Hill became part of the
Archdiocese of San Francisco. When
the dioceses of Oakland, Santa Rosa
and Stockton were separated from the
Archdiocese of San Francisco in 1962,
Santa Clara County remained part of
the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Arch-
bishop John R. Quinn implemented the
final plans for the erection of the new
Diocese of San Jose, and Santa Clara
County was established as the Diocese
of San Jose by Pope John Paul II on
January 27, 1981.
Most Rev. Pierre DuMaine was
named as the first Bishop of the Diocese
of San Jose, and Saint Patrick Church in
San Jose was named the Cathedral. On
the evening of March 18, 1981, during
the solemn celebration of the First Ves-
pers of the Feast of Saint Joseph, Arch-
bishop Pio Laghi, Aposto lic Delegate
to the Church in the United States, and
Archbishop Quinn, the Metropolitan,
formally installed the first bishop of the
new church and canonically erected the
Diocese. In 1987, historic Saint Joseph
Church was designated the Cathedral
to replace the proto-cathedral, Saint
Patrick Church. After extensive renova-
tion, Saint Joseph Church was dedicated
as a Cathedral in 1990. In 1995, Pope
John Paul II designated the cathedral
as a Minor Basilica and it became the
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph.
In 1997, Vicar for Clergy Rev. Rich-
ard Garcia was named by Pope John
Paul II to become Auxiliary Bishop of
the Diocese of Sacramento, the first
priest in the Diocese of San Jose to be
so chosen.
On June 30, 1998, Most Rev. Patrick J.
McGrath, Auxiliary Bishop of the Arch-
diocese of San Francisco, was named by
KNightS Of COlumbuS
Pope John Paul II as Coadjutor to the
25, 2011 Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly be-
Bishop of San Jose. Bishop McGrath was
came the first Auxiliary Bishop of the
formally received into the Diocese at a
Diocese of San Jose.
Mass of Welcome, September 17, 1998.
The purchase of a church and ad-
Upon the retirement of Bishop Pierre
joining buildings in East San Jose was
DuMaine on November 27, 1999, Bishop
made possible by funds generated
McGrath became the second Bishop of
from the Capital Campaign and in the
San Jose.
custody of the Catholic Foundation of
2006 marked the Twenty-Fifth An-
Santa Clara County. This parish, the
niversary of the Diocese of San Jose.
first established in the Diocese in over
On March 18, Bishop McGrath was
a decade, was dedicated as Our Lady
the principal celebrant and Bishop
of Refuge Parish on February 19, 2012.
DuMaine was the homilist at the Jubi-
On July 8, 2012, the Chinese Catholic
lee Mass that was celebrated at Saint
Community was elevated to the status
Joseph Cathedral Basilica.
of Mission by Bishop Patrick J. Mc-
Representatives of every parish
Grath, becoming the San Jose Chinese
were present, along with many of those
Catholic Mission.
who were ‘founders’ of the Diocese, a
On August 30, 2012, a three-alarm
large majority of our diocesan clergy,
fire devastated Saint Patrick Proto-Ca-
and fifteen visiting bishops. In addition
thedral, destroying its sacred worship
to this liturgy, Bishop McGrath made
space and rendering it unusable. Plan-
a Jubilee Visit to each of the Diocese’s
ning began in early 2013 to rebuild the
parishes and missions. During the
church to meet the needs of its growing
Mass that is part of the visit, a tessera,
and ethnically diverse community. On
or tile, engraved with the name of the
April 28, 2013, Bishop McGrath signed
parish was transferred from the parish
a decree to rename the parish after Our
Jubilee Cross and become part of the di-
Lady of La Vang to reflect the parish’s
ocesan Jubilee Processional Cross. This
status as a personal parish for Viet-
Cross memorializes the 52 parishes and
namese Catholics. The thriving parish
missions that were in existence at the
continues its historic commitment to
time of this Jubilee.
full ministry to all of its parishioners,
2006 also marked the beginning of
in Vietnamese, Spanish, and English.
a $100
16, 2014, a
The parish community of St. On
of November
campaign, Rooted in Faith ~ Embracing
four-alarm fire destroyed most of Holy
Offers prayers and best wishes
Our Future. The funds raised by this
Cross Church. The new church was
For the ministry of our newest shepherd
campaign are dedicated to ensure that
dedicated on May 19, 2018.
the Church of tomorrow
will be able
In March,
2015 Auxiliary Bishop
be responsive to the pastoral needs of
Thomas A. Daly was chosen the Bishop
the Catholics of this Valley.
of Spokane, Washington.
The year 2011 marked the 30th
On July 11, 2018, Bishop Oscar
anniversary of our Diocese. It was
Cantú, Bishop of Las Cruces, New
commemorated with a simple Mass of
Mexico, was named Coadjutor Bishop
celebration on March 19, 2011. On May
for the Diocese of San Jose.
the parish community of st. joseph of cupertino
offers prayers and best wishes
The ministry
parish community
St. Joseph
of Cupertino
for the
of of
Offers prayers and best wishes
the ministry of our newest shepherd
the For
rev. oscar cantú
The Officers and Members of the Knights of Columbus
join our brother, Sir Knight the Most Reverend Patrick
McGrath in cordially welcoming our new Coadjutor
Bishop Sir Knight the Most Reverend Oscar Cantú.
We look forward to serving and working with both
Bishops McGrath and Cantú. May Christ provide grace,
blessings and support to these heirs to the apostles.
God bless Bishops McGrath and Cantú. Deo Gratias!
Christ the good shepherd (roman, 3 rd c.)
Christ the
the good
good Shepherd
shepherd (roman,
3 rd 3 rd
c.) c.)