The Valley Catholic
in the diocese
October 7, 2014
Ways to get involved with the Catholic Foundation
At Resurrection School, (left) Father Brendan McGuire, Vicar General for Special Projects for the Diocese of San Jose and (right) Kathy Almazol, Superintendent of Schools, congratulate (l-r) Madelynn
Schawan, Alexa Einhorn and Cole Remai, recognized for advancing in the Summer eSpark program.
Summer rewards
By Liz sullivan
they learned. Progress was measured
Learning doesn’t stop when the final
at a pre-imposed diagnostic assessment
school bell sounds in June.
coupled with the result of the MAP
For a group of students at Resurrec(Measures of Academic Progress) tests.
tion School in Sunnyvale the summer
Almazol was quick to credit Resurtime meant taking the classroom home
rection School Pastor Father Bob Leger
with them.
Principal Jacque Wright and teacher
The 26 now sixth graders at ResurJed de Torres for guiding the students
rection spent the summer spend one
through this learning process.
hour a day, ONE hour, five days a week,
“I am grateful for Father Bob’s
participating in the Summer eSpark
efforts, Jacque Wright’s continued
program on their iPads and the result
support and Jed de Torres for his enthuwas staggering. All of the students
siasm all summer long,” said Almazol.
advanced at least a ¼ of a grade, with
“All of the students of Resurrection
some advancing ¾ of a grade.
School are the real winners in this.”
On September 19, the students were
Resurrection is one of seven elemenrecognized during Mass at the school.
tary schools in the Diocese which are
Cole Remai advanced the most and
classified as Drexel Schools.
was awarded aValley Catholic 2014 The goal of the Drexel Schools,
new iPad. Madelynn
October 7Alexa Einhorn had the
Schawan and
named after St. Katharine Drexel, “is
second mostinches (4.9” x 4”) and each
to provide all families in the Diocese of
2 column x 4
was awarded a $50 iTunes gift card.
San Jose access to the highest quality,
affordable Catholic education, while inValley Catholic use (of learning), is
worth it,” said Kathy Almazol, Diocese
creasing our strong Catholic identity.”
of San Jose Superintendent of Catholic
At Resurrection School, that meant
one time per month/12 x per year
Schools. “Something like this program
learning during the summer and the
fosters a love of learning.”
students seemed to embrace it.
eSpark creates a personalized cur“This i ́