The Valley Catholic October 22, 2019 | Page 2

2 SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY INAUGURATION October 22, 2019 | The Valley Catholic Santa Clara University Welcomes Kevin O’Brien, S.J., as 29 th President President O’Brien with SCU basketball player Josip Vrankic from Toronto. Sa nta Cla ra Un iversit y’s 29t h P r e s i d e n t K e v i n O ’ B r i e n , S .J., will draw upon life experiences as a lawyer, teacher, t heologian, administrator, leader, and priest to lead the 168-year-old institution into a new phase of growth and impact. O’Brien was born in Montreal, Quebec, to an Irish-Catholic family of five, which moved to southern Florida when he was four. His late fat her, La r r y, spent 35 yea rs a s personal manager to the legendary gol fer Jac k Nic k lau s – for whom O’Brien’s older brother Andrew still works. His late mother Elizabeth worked in the home. His older sister Cathy is a special-education teacher in Denver. After college and law school, he worked as a lawyer, thinking he’d go into politics. But he found more mea n i ng i n c ou n s el i ng c l ie nt s. He decided to teach, then to join t h e S o c ie t y of Je s u s, ad m i r i ng t heir down-to-eart h spirit ualit y; excellence in teaching and preaching; and commitment to justice. He joined in 1996 and was ordained a priest 10 years later. Dur i ng for mat ion, he worked in a leprosy hospital in India and other international locales, and in inner-city parishes in Syracuse and Baltimore. He served with the Jesuit Ref ugee Ser v ice i n Los A ngeles detention centers and elsewhere. After ordination and two years as a pastor at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington D.C., he joined Georgetow n Un iversit y to teac h and lead, publishing The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life, which presents for modern day life the 500-year-old tradition of Ignatian spirituality. He became dean of SCU’s Jesuit School of Theology in 2016. He brings deep k nowledge of Jesuit education, having served on the boards of four Jesuit universities– F o r d h a m U n i v e r s i t y, S e a t t l e University, Marquette University, and Boston College–and on the faculty of the Jesuit Leadership Seminar. His prior it ies at SCU i nc lude improving access to higher education and ensuring the campus welcomes a variety of voices and people. The University is in the middle of a $1 billion comprehensive campaig n s e e k i ng to e n s u r e ac c e s sibi l it y through scholarships and programs, maintain its Jesuit heart, and emphasize interdisciplinar y education. “The measure that will matter most–at least for a Jesuit university– is the lives we have impacted and the change we have effected,” said O’Brien as h is appoint ment was announced. Kevin O’Brien Education: B.A., Georgetown; M.A., Fordham; J.D., University of Florida; M.Div., S.T.L, Weston Jesuit School of Theology Hometown: North Beach, Florida Family: Late Father, Larry; Late Mother, Elizabeth; Sister Cathy; Brother Andrew Previous Professional Roles: Lawyer; Teacher; Pastor; Georgetown U. VP of Mission & Ministry; Dean of SCU Jesuit School of Theology International Pastoral Travels: India; Bolivia; Mexico; Guatemala