The Valley Catholic November 7, 2017 | Página 5

COMMUNITY | November 7, 2017 5 Communal Grief: “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”* By Candee Lucas Catholic Cemeteries How do we reach out to one another in a communal time of need? Las Vegas, Puerto Rico, Napa, Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Houston, and New York City – what comes to mind when you hear these names? These communities are in a crisis of loss and grief. How may we assist? As Catholics, we are raised and taught to love one another; look out for one another, but that does not begin to defi ne for us how to respond to a commu- nity trauma. How do you put your arms around 500 wounded? How do you hold a whole island in your hand? Cry with them? Help them begin the healing process? It seems we can do so little, our tears are but a drop in the community ocean of tears. One hand and one heart seem too small. It takes a village and more than that to hold all that grief and despair. Public displays – whether it be a parade of white crosses, prayers during Mass or other tributes, trying to give voice to loss – we attempt to grieve as one. It reminds us how intertwined we are; how our experiences, lives, loves and losses are so similar, how the trappings of ‘daily life’ cannot separate us into tribes when our core human experiences knit us together. This is the very reason God chose to walk among us on earth, to share intimately in our suff ering. To hold the hands of the sick, to cry with the grieving, to love through it all. How do we then off er a community that same healing love? whatever small thing you can to reach out in your community to those in most critical need. Exercise your ‘love’ muscle. The more you use it the stronger it will become. *Hebrews 10:24-25 Psalm 102 reminds us how those who suff er feel: 1 Lord, hear my prayer. Listen to my cry for help. 2 Don’t turn your face away from me when I’m in trouble. Pay attention to me. When I call out for help, answer me quickly... 4 My strength has dried up like grass. I even forget to eat my food. 5 I groan out loud because of my suff ering... 7 I can’t sleep. I’ve become like a bird alone on a roof... 9 I eat ashes as my food. My tears fall into what I’m drinking... 11 The days of my life are like an evening shadow. I dry up like grass. Planning a Christian Funeral But the Psalm ends with this exhortation: “He will answer the prayer of those who don’t have anything. He won’t say no to their cry for help.” Think of small ways to off er hope to those who suff er; through hope others might begin to heal. Enter into community with others in whatever way possible. Keep those who suff er in your daily prayers. And do November 18 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary Church 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto Presenter: Father Christopher Bennett The Vigil, the Funeral Mass and the Committal each have distinct purposes in the journey toward healing and wholeness. This workshop will assist you in making choices about your funeral or that of someone close to you. Come with your questions about the liturgies for the Vigil, the Funeral Mass and Committal as well as the services and options off ered at our Catholic Cemeteries. For more information, call (650) 428-3730 or cemete [email protected]. CCH153_CarDonateAd2_4.937x6in_PressQuality.pdf 1 8/10/15 7:41 PM Together Again By Adelene Gallego Ramos Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County’s Immigration Legal Services recently helped an 8-year old Eritrean client reunite with her grandparents. Jasmine was adopted by her grand- parents after both her parents passed away when she was a baby. Jasmine and her grandparents had to fl ee from their home in Eritrea after the Eritrean military harassed them. After a harrowing escape to Sudan, they then ended up in Ethiopia. Since immediate relatives cannot have de- rivatives joining them, Jasmine was left alone in the care of a family friend in Ethiopia. After a few years, her grandparents immigrated to the U.S. after their daughter, Jasmine’s aunt, petitioned for them. The Immigration Legal Services staff at Catholic Charities have been trying to reunite Jasmine with her grandparents since 2014. Overcoming many obstacles, legal complications, and afraid that Jasmine may never be allowed to leave Ethiopia, she fi nally arrived to the U.S. in 2017. Happy to be back together, the family now resides C M Y After many years apart and despite numer- ous obstacles, Jasmine was reunited with CM her grandparents in the U.S., thanks to the MY Immigration Legal Services team at Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County. CY CMY in the Bay Area. Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County not only helped reunite the family, they helped Jasmine’s grand- mother enroll in their Geriatric Care Training program. Soon after, she landed a good job as a caregiver and worked for Catholic Charities’ Day Break Cares social enterprise. To learn more about Catholic Chari- ties of Santa Clara County’s Immigra- tion Legal Services, please visit http:// legal-services. K Donating Your Vehicle Rebuilds Hope Vehicle Donations Support Catholic Charities’ Refugee Resettlement Program Free Towing  •  Fast & Easy  •  100% Tax Deductible Contact Us Today at or 1 (866) 565-5912