The Valley Catholic November 7, 2017 | Page 2

2 IN THE DIOCESE November 7, 2017 | The Valley Catholic Appointments of Bishop Patrick J. McGrath November 7 Tues, 2 p.m., Community Foundation of Santa Clara County Meeting, Diocesan Offices, San Jose 8 Wed, 8:30 a.m., Mass and Visit, Saint Catherine School, Morgan Hill Wed, 3:30 p.m., Visit, Faith Formation Program, Saint Catherine Parish, Morgan Hill 9 Thurs, 9:30 a.m., Council of Priests Meeting, Diocesan Offices, San Jose 11 Sat, 6 p.m., Black and Gold Gala, Fairmont Hotel, San Jose 12 Sun, 11:30 a.m., Mass, 100 th Anniversary, Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, San Jose 13 Mon – Sun, Nov. 19, USCCB Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland 21 Tues, 8:45 a.m., Mass and Visit, Saint Mary School, Los Gatos COMING UP IN THE DIOCESE RISE! 2017 for Adults Nov. 10-11 @ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.; Our Lady of Peace Parish, 2800 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara. 2017 Chastity Conference for Adults, Teacher and Catechists. Speakers will be Father Josh Waltz and Timmerie Millington. Event is FREE! Please pre-register at Diocese of San Jose seminarian Robain Lamba is congratulated by his fellow DSJ seminarians on Oct. 25 after receiving the Ministry of Acolyte at Mundelein Seminary, outside of Chicago. This is a major step toward the Ministry of Priesthood. Special Collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development on November 19 Your Contributions Make a Differ- ence! Barbara, a single mom, arrived at the door of the Learning and Loving Center in Morgan Hill, speaking little English and unemployed. Thanks to your generous donation to the Catholic Cam- paign for Human Development (CCHD), Barbara received language, vocational skills and leadership training. Empow- ered, she is supporting herself and her son by working full time teaching com- puter classes to other low-income adults to enable them to move out of poverty. CCHD is the Gospel at work and Catholic social justice teaching in action. Giving options to the poor, defending the human dignity of all people, training leaders among low-income workers and seeking housing and just-wage employ- ment opportunities in our communi- ties, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development grant to Working Partners U.S.A. has assisted countless individuals both locally and nationally. They have been able to provide intensive training in leadership for contract workers in our valley. With the funds provided by last year’s The Valley Catholic Publisher Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Executive Editor and Communications Director Liz Sullivan [email protected] Production Manager Yesenia Cabrera Hall [email protected] Business Manager Karen Levesque [email protected] 1150 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112-4966 (408) 983-0260 PHONE | (408) 983-0295 FAX [email protected] | collection for CCHD, young people have been trained for community leadership, and immigrants have learned their rights through programs at SIREN, Services for Immigrant Rights and Education Network. The Mountain View Day Workers Center used your donations to provide leadership training for members to can- vass in their neighborhoods to get out the vote in support of community housing stabilization. Resulting in institutional change, one of CCHD’s goals, The Learn- ing and Loving Center has taught litera- cy, offered job counseling and computer training to more than 160 women while providing childcare for moms during their extensive coursework. These are examples from our local level. Nationally grants have also lent a hand to organizations in their quest for economic development and justice for low-income people and communities. This once-a-year collection occurs on Sunday, Nov. 19, in the Diocese. Your continued generosity will make a differ- ence in the lives of many members of the Body of Christ. The Valley Catholic (ISSN 8750-6238) is published for the Diocese of San José, 19 times a year: twice monthly except in August, December, and January (when one issue is published). The Valley Catholic is not published in July. Periodical postage paid at San Jose, CA and additional mailing offices. The Valley Catholic is dated and mailed to all registered households in the Diocese of San Jose. Subscriptions: $25 per year within Santa Clara County; $35 per year outside Santa Clara County Postmaster: Send address changes to: Diocese of San José, 1150 North First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112-4966 Opinions, quotes, and views appearing in The Valley Catholic do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Catholic and do not represent an endorsement by The Valley Catholic. Acceptance of advertising for publication in The Valley Catholic does not constitute approval or endorsement by The Valley Catholic. Address all letters, news releases, advertising inquiries, circulation, and/or subscription requests to The Valley