The Valley Catholic
May 13, 2014
Letters to the Editor
• Homosexuality
In the April 29 edition, Mrs. Diane
Griego asserts that “…we stand on
God’s word about how sinful homosexuality is.” Mrs. Griego would be
yet more dismayed to know where
current Bible scholars (including
Catholic) stand on just what God’s
word really is on the subject.
I am a life-long (70 years) Roman
Catholic who until some 35 years ago
believed as Mrs. Griego does. I have
been deeply involved in Church as a
lay person, and have led retreats. I am
familiar with the Bible as well as the
spectrum of Catholic and Christian
teaching. Can homosexual behavior
be sinful or evil? Absolutely, it can.
Is homosexuality essentially evil in
good people who are oriented toward
their own sex? Absolutely it is NOT.
Want to understand what the Bible
is telling us? Don’t assume that you
are reading today in modern English
a concept that was framed millennia
ago in a different land/culture and
I recommend “What Jesus Meant”
by Gary Wills (a Catholic). For an outstanding summary of the difficulty in
understanding/interpreting the Bible
as a whole, I recommend “Misquoting Jesus” by Bart D. Ehrman (not
a Catholic, but a world-class Bible
scholar.) “The Good Book” by Peter
Gomes makes mince meat out of the
ludicrous idea that homosexuality is
somehow evil.
Mrs. Griego makes reference to
“Mr. Nedom… he must believe in
evolution or the big bang and not in
Creation…” I am a retired mathematician and scientist. I believe in creation
AND evolution. But of the two, I know
evolution is right.
David Leverenz
Los Altos Hills
• Who am I to judge?
As a gay man trying to live out his
Catholic faith, I was hurt by comments
in past of editions in The Valley Catholic.
It is disheartening to see one accuse
and judge another that they “must not
be Catholic” and bringing up the topic
of HIV when my heterosexual friends
are afflicted with this horrible disease.
From the day I was baptized Catholic to today, serving my local parish and
community, I am using my entire self
to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the
Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I
agree with Pope Francis when he said,
“If someone is gay and is searching for
the Lord and has good will, then who
am I to judge him?”
Being fully aware of the Church’s
teaching on homosexuality, I know
where we stand. Like everyone here, I
am a sinner and Jesus Christ is the only
one who knows my heart to judge me
on the last day.
I’m sorry I’m not perfect and I’m
sorry for being a sinner. I only ask that
you don’t deprive me my relationship
with God and deprive me from going
to my parish to use my gifts, talents
and love to serve God and our brothers
and sisters.
Jerry Jenko
San Jose
The Valley Catholic invites readers
to email letters to the editor
[email protected]
Maximum 200 words; must include
name, city and phone number for
verification; subject to editing.
Deadline for the June 10th edition
is Friday, May 23rd
Leaders of the Diocesan Council of Filipino Catholics gathered for April feast day Mass for
St. Pedro Calungsod.
Filipino Catholics celebrate feast day of
St. Pedro Calungsod
Celebration of the feast day of St. Pedro Calungsod, April 2, was sponsored
by the Diocesan Council of Filipino
Catholics (DCFC) and took place with
a Mass at Christ the King Parish, San
According to Eleanor CuencoMarks, of the DCFC, “The pews were
filled and the ceremony was beautiful.
The newly arrived statue of St. Pedro
Calungsod was blessed by Father
Andres Ligot, presider, before it was
placed in front of the altar.”
The evening ceremony was attended by clergy and seminarians from
various parishes. Choir director Tonnet
Rivero of Christ ѡ