COMMUNITY | March 6, 2018
On a Firm Foundation:
Facing Death, He Gave Us Hope
Mary Quilici Aumack
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation
of Santa Clara County
[email protected]
When I was 19, I had the great privi-
lege of spending my sophomore year of
college in Florence, Italy, with the Gon-
zaga-in-Florence program. In addition
to the ineff able opportunity to be that
close to my heritage, we ventured out
throughout the year. At Christmastime
we had a trip to the Holy Land. Dur-
ing that visit, I felt the most visceral,
tangible presence of God. I have not
experienced that before or since.
We were at Gethsemane. This is
where Jesus wrestled mightily with
what was to come. In this instance, I
believe, he demonstrated in a profound
way that he was fully man and fully
For some reason I was alone. This
was atypical when traveling with 120
college kids. I remember sitting in
a corner of the garden, praying and
eventually crying. I was reminded of
a song from “Jesus Christ Superstar,” “I
only want to say.” If you haven’t heard
it, please fi nd it. He was frightened,
inspired and determined all at the
same time.
Decades later, last summer, I had
my silent retreat (you all remember
chuckling over the concept of my be-
ing silent for 8 days). At that session
I had a spiritual director who opened
my mind and heart in profound ways.
One thing he explained was that in that
moment, at Gethsemane, Jesus CHOSE
the cross. He didn’t have to die in that
way, He simply had to die.
He knew it, and he chose it, and it
changed the world forever. He gave
us the great gift of hope. This in turn
is the greatest gift we can give to the
next generation.
This is also our link to legacy giv-
ing. We give because we have hope for
the future of ministry, and we want to
remain a part of that FOREVER.
When you plan a gift, to your par-
ish for example, this is a hope-fi lled
act. You believe in the power and ef-
fectiveness of this faith community. It
has contributed in material ways to you
and your family. You have hope for a
long and important life for the parish,
and you want to be a part of that future.
Legacy gifts, those to endowment
and directly to ministry, provide hope
to a community, easing the burden of
constant fundraising.
This is what we call Forever Value.
I ask you to consider a planned gift
for your parish, or another Catholic
ministry that you feel has been forma-
tive in your life, or that you believe is
making an important diff erence in the
A gift of just 1 percent of your assets
upon your death can be material for
that organization. The Foundation can
help in this process, and make it simple.
We give because God gave fi rst. We
have the hope that was embodied in
Jesus and is manifest in His great gift
of HIMSELF in the Eucharist.
Because of these gifts, we not only
have hope, but a strong desire to ACT,
to reach out to neighbors, welcome new
community members, to BE the body
of Christ.
Hope and Legacy are so inter-
twined. It’s because of our hope that
we choose to make a lasting gift, and
the gift in turn sustains the hope.
Through the ultimate sacrifi ce, Jesus
the Christ gave us unending Hope.
So, buoyed by this hope, in gratitude
and certitude, in anticipation of our
eternal life, we lay the foundation of
FOREVER VALUE for the ministries
that sustain us.
Isaiah (6:8) heard the voice of the
Lord saying “Whom shall I send? Who
will go for me?” He answered, “Here I
am, Lord. Send me.”
Let us respond as well, in perma-
nent and meaningful ways, becoming
part of an integrated message of Hope.
Contact the Foundation today to
contribute HOPE at (408) 995-5219 or
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