February 5, 2019 | The Valley Catholic
The Learning and Loving Education Center,
Morgan Hill, Celebrates 25 Years
The Morgan Hill 2018 Nonprofit
of the Year, the Learning and Loving
Education Center invites you to join the
community of supporters and friends
of the Center as they celebrate 25 years
on March 2 at Saint Catherine Parish at
a Gala Anniversary Celebration.
It was 25 years ago when twenty
immigrant women came to the literacy
center at the Saint Catherine, Morgan
Hill old Parish Hall. These 20 women,
their little children, the Sisters of the
Presentation and volunteers began the
tradition that continues today. The Cen-
ter continued to grow from 20 women
to almost 200 women each year, along
with 55-60 children enrolled in the free
The Anniversary Celebration begins
with an 11:30 a.m. Mass in the church
with Bishop Patrick J. McGrath presid-
ing; following Mass, the Recognition
Celebration will continue in O’Donnell
Parish Center with complimentary fare,
testimonials and celebrations of the 25
years that have changed and improved
the lives of many women of many cul-
tures. Plans and dreams for the future
of the Center will also be a part of the
day’s festivities.
To fi nd out more and RSVP by F eb-
ruary 15 for this Anniversary event,
visit www.learningandloving.org,
email [email protected] or
on Facebook. Corporate sponsorships
are also available.
For more information about the Cen-
ter, contact Director Christa Hanson
at [email protected] or call
(408) 776-1196.
Appointments of Bishop Oscar Cantú
Wed, 8:30 a.m., Mass and Visit, St. Lawrence the Martyr School, Santa Clara.
Thu, 9:30 p.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose.
Thu, 2 pm, Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose.
Thu, 5:30 p.m., Monarch Leadership Society Reception and President’s Circle Dinner. Arch-
bishop Mitty High School, San Jose.
Fri, 9:30 a.m., Deanery 6 Meeting, St. John Vianney Parish, San Jose
Sat, 8 a.m., Priesthood Ordination for Deacon Trey Crespo, Diocese of Houston, Texas.
11 Mon, 10:30 a.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Mon, 12 p.m. Visit and Meeting Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto
Mon, 4 p.m. Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Mon, 6:30 p.m. ADA Dinner, St. Martin of Tours Parish, San Jose
12 Tues, 9 a.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Tues, 3 p.m. Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Tues, 6 p.m. Santa Clara Catholic Charities Emeritus Board Gathering, Los Gatos
14 Thu, 11 a.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Thu, 1 p.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Thu, 3:30 p.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
15 Fri, 10 a.m., Religious Superiors Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Fri, 1 p.m., Catholic Charities Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Fri, 3 p.m., Deacon Candidates & wives Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
16 Sat, 10 a.m., Missionaries of St. Charles Scalabrinian, Priesthood Ordination, Gilroy
Sat, 3:30 p.m., Annual Celebration of Religious Life, Bellarmine College Prep. San Jose
17 Sun, 3 p.m., Chinese New Year Mass and Celebration, Chinese Mission of Diocese of San Jose,
Saint Clare Church, Santa Clara
Sun, 6 p.m., Gathering with Chinese Community Leaders, Santa Clara
19 Tues, 9 a.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Tues, 10:30 a.m., Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Tues, 3 p.m. Internal Offi ce Meeting, Diocesan Offi ces, San Jose
Tues, 6 p.m., “A Local & Global Crisis: Viewing Clergy Sexual Abuse from the West Coast.” –
Speaker & Presentation, JST Berkeley, CA
In the January 22 issue of The Valley Catholic the name of Father Robert Egan, SJ
was mistakenly omitted from the article “Celebration of Consecrated Life.” Father
Egan is a 70-year Jubilarian. Sr. Elisa Santos, FHIC, Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters
of the Immaculate Conception, 50 Years.
Men’s Discernment Weekend
February 8-10, Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish, 1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara.
Is God calling you to the priesthood? Join us for the #Thinking Priesthood Men’s Discernment
Weekend. You will have the chance to explore the priesthood, listen to priest’s vocation stories
and learn about steps for discernment, values of priestly life and the structure of seminary
formation. It will be a weekend of prayer, discussions, fraternity, recreation, and fellowship to
help you fi nd more clarity on where God is leading you. Contact [email protected].
Musician Master Classes 2019
February 8 @ 6 – 9 p.m., Saint Lucy Parish, 2350 Winchester Blvd., Campbell.
Do not miss the annual Musician Master Classes. The presenters this year will be ValLimar
Jansen, English track, Sarah Hart, Youth track, and Rudy and Estella Garcia-Lopez, Spanish
track. All levels of musicianship will learn a lot from these 3 wonderful liturgical musicians. To
see these fantastic musicians perform their music for free with hospitality and a time to meet
and greet them is an incredible deal. All are welcome.
2019 World Day of the Sick
February 9 @ 11 a.m. – Noon, Saint Christopher Parish, 1576 Curtner Avenue, San Jose.
Join us for a special Mass for World Day of the Sick. Sponsored by the Order of Malta.
Anointing of the Sick followed by the Sacrament 2019
February 16 @ 10-11:30 a.m., Saint Joseph of Cupertino Parish, 10110 N. DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino.
Saint Joseph of Cupertino Parish and Catholic Cemeteries present: Anointing of the Sick – One
of the seven sacraments off ered to Baptized Catholics of all ages who seek recovery in body,
mind, and spirit. May be received more than once. All are welcome.
The Valley Catholic
Bishop Patrick J. McGrath
Executive Editor and Communications Director
Liz Sullivan
[email protected]
Production Manager
Yesenia Cabrera Hall
[email protected]
Business Manager
Rosie Zepeda
[email protected]
1150 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112-4966
(408) 983-0260 PHONE | (408) 983-0295 FAX
[email protected] | tvc.dsj.org
The Valley Catholic (ISSN 8750-6238) is published for the Diocese of
San José, 19 times a year: twice monthly except in August, December,
and January (when one issue is published). The Valley Catholic is not
published in July. Periodical postage paid at San Jose, CA and additional
mailing offi ces. The Valley Catholic is dated and mailed to all registered
households in the Diocese of San Jose.
Subscriptions: $25 per year within Santa Clara County; $35 per year
outside Santa Clara County
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Deadline for the March 5, 2019 edition of The Valley Catholic is
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