The Valley Catholic February 20, 2018 | Page 14

14 COMMENTARY February 20, 2018 | The Valley Catholic What Would Jesus Do? By Tony Magliano Internationally syndicated social justice and peace columnist [email protected] As countless fellow human beings suffer terribly in a myriad of ways, and much of our planet groans from gaping human induced wounds, our govern- ment, other governments, and many well-off people, seem to hardly care. It is what Pope Francis calls a “globalization of indifference.” Urgently needed is a creative new paradigm – a fresh life-giving, life protecting, life enhancing model to guide us out of the selfish, violent, sinful darkness of religious intolerance, nationalism, isolationism, materialism, consumerism, racism, secularism and militarism. But we don’t need to keep stumbling around in the darkness trying to find our way out of all this muck. Instead, the new paradigm we desperately need to fully embrace is the ever-fresh ancient Gospel of Je- sus. For in the Gospel we encounter the living Christ and his ever relevant teachings of compassionate, just, peaceful, nonviolent, merciful, unconditional love for all. An honest, open-hearted, open-minded prayerful reflection on Jesus’ words and actions will give us sure guidance on how to morally respond to the life and death issues facing our nation and world. And as we do this, we should ask ourselves WWJD, that is, “What would Jesus do?” While some will surely say this is overly simplis- tic; I beg to differ. And so does the Pontifical Biblical Commission. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” In their book, “The Bible and Morality” they state that in judging the Christian morality of an action, the fundamental question is: To what extent is this action “inspired by the example of Jesus?” What would Jesus – through whom all things were made, and who was so at one with the natural world – do regarding our poisoning of the air, water and land with toxic waste, and the profit driven burning of oil, coal and gas that is causing global warming? Surely he would speak out against it. And surely he is telling us to stop polluting and dangerously warm- ing the earth, to clean it up, and be good stewards of his creation. What would Jesus – who was an unborn baby – do regarding the annual 900,000 plus babies brutally aborted in the U.S., and the more than 55 million plus abortions worldwide? Tony is available to speak at diocesan or parish gather- ings. Tony can be reached at [email protected]. The Anointing Robert Diaz By Gregory Kepferle Financial Advisor CEO, Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County and President, Charities Housing Development Corporation • Personal & Business Financial Planning • Investment Planning • Retirement Planning • Insurance Decisions • Saving for College Education Listening • Planning • Advising I’ll be with you every step of the way. Call me for a free, no obligation, financial consultation. 1999 South Bascom Avenue Suite 400 Campbell, CA 95008 Surely he would condemn it. And surely he is commanding us to end it. What would Jesus – who said “Put your sword back into its sheath, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword” – do regarding our fascination for making, possessing, buying, selling, and using high tech swords? He would surely tell us to stop warring and pre- paring for war. And would add, “To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” What would Jesus – who said “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me” – do regarding the suffering of poor, hungry, thirsty and migrant persons? He would condemn the tremendous inequality between the haves and have-nots. He would insist upon