February 11, 2014
catholic schools
faith .
he Valley Catholic
Ms. Vanessa Salagado and St.
John the Baptist pre-kindergarten
class celebrated Bishop McGrath’s
25th anniversary as a bishop.
MHT students make cards for soldier
Seventh graders at Most Holy Trinity
School, San Jose, expanded upon their
weekly Gospel and homily responses
they write each week in letter form. At
the request of a seventh grade mother,
they made cards for Jake Owens, the
23-year-old brother of Ricey (in photo),
who is currently serving in Kuwait.
Students each chose a quote from the
Mass readings of the day and created
cards. Ricey is pleased that the class
has taken an interest in his brother
and plans to communicate with him via
satellite soon.
St John the Baptist School celebrates episcopal anniversary
St. John the Baptist School in Milpitas celebrated the 25th anniversary of episcopal ordination of San Jose Bishop Patrick
J. McGrath, Jan. 29 when the bishop visited the school and each classroom where students had the opportunity to ask questions about him and his life as bishop. Each class also presented a gift especially made for him by students to show gratitude
for his service to the community and support of the school.
Queen of Apostles students help
Sacred Heart Community Service
Queen of Apostles students sort apples for SHCS (l-r) Timmy Loche, Sarah Cunningham,
Maile Lelaind and Matthew Staples.
Each month, Queen of Apostles
Sacred Heart by sorting donated cloth(San Jose) sixth grade students doing and food items.
nate time to Sacred Heart CommuAs students leave the center, one
nity Service which helps thousands
chaperone parent notes a quote on one
of economically struggling people
of the SHCS walls: “We can’t let people
with food, job search assistance and
drive wedges between us because we
are all one family. There is o