The Upstairs Gallery-This Month at TUG February 2014 | Page 7

camping, entering properties and not to forget the risk inside the buildings with dangers, decay, security and unknown around every corner.

6. What is it you hope your photography and work will lead to?

I am hoping to go to university and study a more commercial side of photography. With my urban exploring work I hope to visit Europe this year and also find lots of new locations within the UK. I have been working on content for a book I would love have printed, I am looking to find a publisher who wants to work with me on this project as I have lots of new and exciting ideas that I have never seen in Urban Exploring photography books before.

7. Who do you respect as an Urbex explorer and who would you like to meet most?

There are lots of photographers and

explorers I respect and still Have yet to arrange explores/meet's with. "Rebecca Litchfield", "Christopher Bowler" and "Romany WG" are all

amazing photographers in my opinion. As for explorers I respect "Chris Rand" and "Urban X" for there years of dedication and reputation within the urbex community.

Come in and see Matthew's work on display in the Ingate gallery on the upper floor of The Upstaits Gallery.

Or follow his facebook "Unexposed Exploration" to find out more.