The Unicorn S2 2022-2023 | Page 8

The princess didn’t like to admit it, but she’d actually preferred the prince as a frog. The human version… well, he laughed really loudly at the most inappropriate times, and he chewed food with his mouth open. Really, she’d never wanted him to turn into a prince at all. She’d just wanted a pet. Tiana went to Mama Odie and asked her to only let her change into a human when they would kiss at their wedding. It took a lot of convincing for Mama Odie to change the spell, but by saying that Prince Naveen should stay a frog since it humbled him it immediately persuaded Mama Odie. Princess Tiana kept this a secret and didn’t want to tell Naveen because she knew he would be mad and hurt. Tiana was aware that what she was doing was wrong but she had to put herself first. Her plan was to keep this a secret until their wedding kiss, and would just let it unravel then. Little did Tiana know, Prince naveen heard the whole conversation between her and Mama Odie. Naveen was speechless to say the least, he never thought the person he loved the most would be the one to betray him like that. All he could do was run away from his problems like he always did. Naveen just kept running and running until he found Louis and Ray, he told them what he had overheard and they couldn’t believe that Tiana would switch up like that. The three of them team up and go back to Mama Odie’s and talk to her. Naveen explains how hurt he was and how he wanted to flip the spell, for him to be human and for Tiana to stay a frog because it’s what she deserves after the stunt she tried to pull.


By Zita Balla