The Unicorn S2 2022-2023 | Page 14

Other than this, I also have a few hobbies of my own. After hours, I pay monthly to rent out a workshop downtown where I create furniture. I don’t like all that cheap stuff from Ikea or having to pay someone to make it for you. It’s far more affordable to design and create pieces on your own. Right now, an unfinished coffee table sits in the middle of the shop surrounded by tools and a mess of chips and dust. Each of the legs on the table are about 18 inches long. I only need to finish up the final leg to be done with it.

However, when working with Norwalk’s body -  just before I had clothed her - I noticed the length of her upper right thigh. Just by looking at it, I could tell that it was the perfect size. Just what I needed to complete my table! My mind could already visualize what it’d look like. Very carefully, I sliced her thigh open, detached the bone from tendons and joints connecting to the knee and pelvis, and lifted the femur out. I was so enthralled just by holding it in my hands. The straightness, a firm and strong shaft, smooth texture all the way down with little chipping, and a nice color to it as well. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

I wrapped it in an old newspaper to protect it in transport and to hide that I had it with me. The family would notice that the body was missing something given that the thigh had lost all its shape, so I replaced the bone with thick PVC piping and stitched it back up. Besides the long scar that remains, you can barely tell the difference in weight from before I took the bone. Afterwards, I grabbed a beautiful, bright blue gown, put it on her, lifted her into the casket, and sent her upstairs into the viewing area. My job was done for today, and so my well earned trophy came with me.

On my way out, the funeral director stopped me.

“Hey David, fantastic work on her today. It barely looks like a bullet went through her skull,” complimented the Director as he chewed on a granola bar.

“Thanks sir,” I replied, “I really have to get home to my wife tonight. I promised her that I’d be home on time so I can eat dinner with her.” I chuckled a bit on the inside. I made up the story of having a wife so I didn't have to deal with him of all people.