The Unicorn S2 2020-2021 | Page 14

Once upon a time, in a small village in the woods lived Rose, a peasant girl who had big dreams and aspirations. Rose was the complete opposite of the other girls in the village.  She did not dream of being the next princess, but  she wanted to be an adventurer. She didn't want to just sit and look pretty all day. She wanted to be free to run around and go on adventures. She was considered an outcast among the other young ladies in the town. She worked at her family's small bakery to help out her elderly parents. As she baked she would daydream of a life outside of her small village. She dreamed of how amazing it would be to become something more. She dreamed of going on long journeys to distant lands and embracing any adventure that comes her way. She wanted to do something that meant something more than just being a pretty face. She respected the girls around her that wanted that life but she knew she would not be satisfied with that fate. 

As she was out one day collecting wheat in the field not far from her house a couple of the girls who lived by her were walking on the trail and they stopped to taunght her for her attire and her choice of doing hard labor. She tried hard not to let things bother her and knew that it was better to be self dependent than to depend on others. They of course just laughed in her face and carried on. She never let them get to her but what they said would hurt her more than she would let anyone know. As they left she sat on the ground and let a couple tears fall. She was so focused on trying to stop the tears that she didn't even realize a young man approached her. He was tall and had dazzling blue eyes that stared at her in awe. She looked up and was startled by the presence of him.

“Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you. I saw you from my horse as I was riding and just wanted to make sure you were ok,” the unfamiliar man spoke.

“I’m fine, thank you. My eyes just water sometimes, nothing that I can't handle. Now if you will excuse me, I must finish collecting this wheat before sun down,” she replied trying to conceal her embarrassment from being caught in such an emotional situation.

Rose's Adventure

By Katelyn Oliver