Sometimes I visit it
The river that changed my life
The water was like a blue snake slithering through the woods.
It was where everyone took their lovers
“Splash” the water whispers
every time I visit
Couples went one at a time
It was the river of love
We met there when we were just 17 years old
Bruce Springsteen understands
we dived in “The River” too
We went every day
To swim in the tide on the east side
Until we stopped
the sharp rocks prevented us from swimming
That's when our love slipped away
The freshwater fluently flowed through the town
Even if it couldn’t flow through your heart
My soul finds peace when I go back
Where I used to go with you
A million memories at one simple river
We fell in love at that river
Why can't love stay as eternal as the river?
The River
By: Madison Callea