The UnEmployables 3 | Page 9

4. Need gap you are fulfilling via 'Bu ercups'? 99% women in India wear bad bras. This is because the current brands don't offer sizes and styles suited to the Indian body type. We will have 60+ sizes in bras as opposed to the 20-30 the current brands offer. We will have styles that no one in India currently provides both in Bras and pan es. Our products a re manufactured by veterans from Hong Kong, making the quality of fits absolutely fantas c. 5. 'Wow' moments so far? Being called the “bra Queen” of India Being a winner at the ET Power of ideas 2010 Being A “Young Turk”. Our store in Hyderabad being rated among the top 100 lingerie stores across the world 2010. 6. Challenges faced in entrepreneurial journey so far? Entrepreneurship is never easy. Every me you feel you have dealt with one problem, another will arise. That said, you have to be willing to constantly change yourself tow suit circumstances and not get overly emo onal about things. When my store started losing money, (high rentals, high Selling prices and low volumes were the reason), it was a tough me. I had put all my savings into this project and it wasn't looking good. I s ll haven't recovered from those losses but, eventually I managed to get a grip, change the model to an online one and hope to soon start making profits as I launch my Bu ercups label. 7. Ini al response from family and friends? I didn't care about what anyone thought and neither did I let anyone have any thoughts. It was something I believed in and wanted to do and I pre y much went ahead and did so. My in laws, ex husband and friends were extremely suppor ve of my decision. In fact, I opened my first store in a friends vintage bunglow. When he heard out my idea, he offered me the space. 8. How did you ini ally market 'Bu ercups'? I come from an adver sing background. (I ran my own ad agency Quicksilver Adver sing for over 10 years before Bu ercups). So, we did a lot of Bill boards, print ads and events and “tea evenings”. In retrospect, I should have done then what I am doing now – using word of mouth and social media and doing workshops and relevant events, which is working out well for me. Hindsight is a great teacher. 9. What does brand 'Bu ercups' stand for? Excellence and Innova on. Be it the product or the service, we want to give the best. Whether it is through our offering of 60+ sizes in bras or our unique offering of bra fi ng or crea ng an app to find your right bra size, we have and will con nuously strive to be game changers in the lingerie space. 10. Trends and hurdles in this domain (As per your experience) Trends: a) More buyers. b) Open-mindedness to try new brands and products. c) Look good, feel good factor a huge driving force Hurdles: a) Lack of Awareness. Women don't know what to wear and who to ask b) Lack of product variety c) Brands not innova ng enough 11. 3 things you look for in your prospec ve employee? Passion, enthusiasm and commitment. Everything else can be taught. If these three key quali es are missing, a person can never add value. 12. 3 Tips for aspiring entrepreneurs in this field. a) It's going to be tough, but DON'T give up b) Research, research, research - Learn constantly. It helps in keeping up to date on what is happening in our fast changing world. c) Be ready to change with circumstances and me. Don't get emo onally a ached to the model, only to the idea. 9