The UnEmployables 3 | Page 2

EDITORIAL Dear Readers, This is our third edi on of The UnEmployables and this me we bring to you all the gli er from the fashion startups! Ever since we launched Headstart Network Founda on in Feb 2008, we've worked hard to promote entrepreneurship in India. And we've done this mostly through Startup Saturday events and other programs. We recently celebrated our newest ini a ve “Headstart Higher” that aimed at bringing startups and candidates together and make them interact through a speed da ng setup. We saw an overwhelming response from both startups and candidates with numerous par es finding their matches. However this month is not about speed da ng but about the gli ering world of fashion. This edi on focusses on the theme of Fashion Startups will tell you all that you wanted to know about this industry – right from startup success story to market analysis to interes ng ps to startup ideas – everything! Once you've had a chance to pick up your very own copy of this fashion edi on, do tell us what you think of it. We'd be eagerly awai ng your feedback. Happy reading! The Editorial Desk The UnEmployables [email protected] 2