The UnEmployables 3 | Page 13

Wsol started a social ini a ve along with Unna (NGO by Sudha Murthy) - 'Style me, empower me'. A girl came to us. She had a degree in nursing; her mother was a house maid. She got an interview at Columbia Asia hospital. But she was not allowed to a end the interview despite of having the interview le er. We helped her groom. There are a lot more people who need this grooming and confidence. We work with Unna to style the every batch of students. These students are placed in places like CCD.‘ 4. 7. How did you ini ally market 'WSol'? I did something which I feel was very stupid. OCC (Open Coffee Club) Bangalore had mailing list. I put a mail on that. I was surprised that mail was not received by the members. I didn't know that OCC had a policy that straight away you can't market your product/service. I send the mail many mes thinking - why my mail is not ge ng received. But, I actually got a call. My first client was through OCC. During my first OCC meet, I apologized to evetyone for spamming with my mail. I used to write blog on a daily basis. I s ll get enquiries through my blog.The other channels I have used extensively are Facebook and Linkedin. Wow' moments so far?  When I got selected as of the Indian finalists for 'Young Fashion Entrepreneur Award'. That was the me when I just started, so it was a great feeling.  When did my first show at BFW (Bangalore Fashion Week). Walking with the last model on the ramp was amazing.  Being a Mompreneur (Mom-entrepreneur) 8. What does brand 'WSol' stand for? It stands for 'fashion and image make over'. It's not just the consulta on; it also gives the solu on to all your styling needs. It tells you which style will suit you, also designs your ou its accordingly keeping in considera on the color and occasion. 5. Challenges faced in entrepreneurial journey so far? I never felt challenges. There was no force to bring in money. This helped in my organic growth. This helped built the string financial founda on. We didn't felt the need to seek for funds. I have always been good at networking and making noise about whatever I do – this took care of our marke ng. 9. Hurdles in this domain (As per your experience) I see a lot of people who take this more as a hobby. Seriousness should be there. I love shopping and designing. It's all about running a business with a passion. At the end of the day, it should be worth taking out me from your family me. 6. Ini al response from family and friends? It was a gradual change for my family. Support was there and it's s ll there. My kids understand when I need help. All sorts of support was provided from my family. 10. 3 things you look for in your prospec ve employee?  Ready to learn  Quick in grasping  Open minded 11. 3 Tips for aspiring entrepreneurs in this field.  Just go ahead and do it (don't bother about anything)  Make use of every opportunity that comes your way  Don't give excuses (everything will follow if you have passion) 13