The Ultimate Weight Loss Bible PDF eBook Free Download Full Guide to Losing Weight Permanently eBook PDF | Page 8

6 The Ultimate Weight Loss Bible Step 2: Daily Caloric Intake Calculator Visit and fill out the following form. * Please use the link above to find a working calculator* Weight loss is simple. Ingest Weight Loss Calculator fewer calories than you are Abdomen Circumference in burning throughout the day. Male Age To find out how many inches: calories you are burning you Activity Level Weight : pounds need to input some basic (see below): measurements, age and % activity level into a ie. office worker but 5 Feet 8 Inches works out 3 times a calculator to find out a rough Height : week=47 (from the chart idea of what your Basal below) Metabolic Rate (BMR) is. *Activity Level Men Women This calorie calculator will help you determine how many calories to ingest per day. This will help you determine the type of meal plan required to meet your goals. Sedentary (inactive) 15% 15% Lightly Active (most professionals, office workers, shop 40% 35% 50% 45% 85% 70% workers, teachers, homemakers) Moderately active (workers in light industry, most farm workers, active students, department store workers, solders not in active service, commercial fishing workers) Very active (full-time athletes and dancers, unskilled laborers, forestry workers, military recruits in training, soldiers in active service, mine workers, steel workers) Exceptionally active (lumberjacks, blacksmiths, female 110% 100% construction workers) This calculator will also tell you approximately how many Analyze glasses of water to drink per day, body fat percentage and your BMI. Please write this information down so you know for next time. I should be ingesting around _________ calories per day to lose weight. I should have _____________ glasses of water per day. My body fat percentage is approximately __________%. (read more about body fat calculations)