The Ultimate Weight Loss Bible PDF eBook Free Download Full Guide to Losing Weight Permanently eBook PDF | Page 23
The Ultimate Weight Loss Bible
that way. A lot of people want to bulk up and then do 130 minutes of cardio. Sit down
and think out your workout in accordance to your goals.
11. Study. Many people rely on the media to feed them information about fitness. Many
fitness professionals can't stand myths about weight loss. Ie. The new fad of the a magic
shaking fat loss machine.
12. Know your body: Different people need a different caloric intake, workout and
13. 90 10 rule. The 90% to 10% rule implies that you eat right 90% of the time and eat
'ok' the other 10% of the time.
14. Limit your Negatives: Find things that are preventing you from workout out and
change it..
15. You are what you eat PERIOD
16.Weigh yourself daily: I'm not saying to go crazy but just be aware of your gains and
loses, it will help keep you on the track to improvement.
17. Think before you order Before you order those fries with the white bun burger,
think about what you're goals are. Do you really think you'll get there eating like this?
18. Get rid of bad food The less temptation you have in your kitchen the better.
19. Use vinegar Vinegar helps regulate blood sugar levels.
20. Take a multivitamin Most people do not get nearly the varied diet that the Canada
food guide recommends so do yourself a favour.
21. Take a high EPA/DHA fish oil Fish oil not only helps decrease the risk of cancer
but it helps you shed fat!
22. Drink coffee: Not only does coffee help increase your body temperature but recent
research suggest that coffee also helps decrease heart disease by as much as 40% (in
23. Drink water: Water doesn't contain fat, sugar or carbs.
24. Drop the soda, alcohol and juices: Waste of calories.
25. Think about your portion sizes
26. Set alarms for your workout, or snack times. The more you can remind yourself to
eat right, and workout the better.
27. SPICE Spices are uber healthy and loaded with flavour.
28. Write a self-contract a self-contract will help keep you on track
29. Look back: Look at your progress monthly and reassess.
30. Salad is available: Salad is always available at restaurants, just make sure you add
the chicken, tuna and nuts to keep it packed full of nutrients.
31. Get a massage. Stress is a major reason for failed weight loss plans.
32. Encourage yourself. a self positive outlook is a great attribute.
33. Get a personal trainer: A personal trainer is a great tool to help you stay on the
right track.
34. Try a different cardio machine Sticking to the same cardio machine can wreak
havoc on your muscles and actually increase the risk of injury if you try something other
than that machine.
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