The Ultimate Tips for a Successful House Move The Ultimate Tips for a Successful House Move | Page 11

Finally, everything that did not have a home can be quickly sorted into the five baskets or bins you have staged for the purpose. The Bedroom First, make your bed. It's hard to feel any progress decluttering a bedroom while an unmade bed stares you in the face. Start with your nightstands and remove anything on them that doesn’t belong there and put it in your Put Away bin. This may include books you’ve already finished reading, broken eyeglasses, pens and paper, and mail. Throw out or recycle anything that you no longer use, such as empty tissue boxes, pens that have gone dry, or chargers that no longer work. Do the same with the tops of your dressers, chests, and/or bureaus. Pay careful attention to any clothing that is strewn about. Anything that needs folding or hanging goes into the Put Away bin. If you're afraid it may wrinkle further, you can lay clothes down on your bed.