The Ultimate Clickbank Affiliate Guide By Peng Joon The_Ultimate_ClickBank_Affiliate_Guide_By_Peng_Joo | Page 8
The website
When you have decided on which Clickbank product you are going to promote, the next step is to
put a website together on the subject of the niche.
Most people won’t go to the trouble of doing this so the very fact that you are will already put you
head and shoulders above the vast majority of your competitors.
If you are like most people who are new to the world of internet marketing, the very mention of
building a website be filling you with fear because you either believe that this is something which
is completely beyond you or something that you just can’t afford.
Don’t worry because you are wrong on both counts.
A simple website or blog is all that is required, and you can’t really go wrong by using WordPress.
Go to YouTube and search for the following, ‘How to install a WordPress blog’
You honestly won’t believe how easy it is.
If you would rather pay someone to do for you, look no further than has changed over the years, it used to be the case that you could get any job done on
there for $5 and whilst you can still get some jobs done at that price, you can now expect to pay
It is still very cheap though and if you want a WordPress blog installing, all you need to do is to
carry out a simple search.
The Ultimate ClickBank Affiliate Guide