The Ultimate Clickbank Affiliate Guide By Peng Joon The_Ultimate_ClickBank_Affiliate_Guide_By_Peng_Joo | Page 12

Website Content Ok, it might take a couple of days for your website to be built so in the mean time you are going to have to write some content to put on the website. Ideally you are going to need about fifteen to twenty articles of around five hundred words each If your alarm bells are ringing again at the very thought of having to do some writing, relax because it is not as difficult as you think. There are a few tricks of the trade which you can use for your content requirements but don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you can just copy content from elsewhere and paste it onto your website. That is a really big No-No so don’t even go there. What you can do though is tak e content from elsewhere and re write it. If you are wondering where to get the content from in the first place it is a good idea to look at any content that may be available in the affiliate section of the product which you are promoting. Most reputable product creators who care for their affiliates will be able to supply content and that is definitely true with affiliates 12 The Ultimate ClickBank Affiliate Guide