The UAP National President's Report The UAP National President's Report | Página 23

140 Approximately 46,000 Local UAP Chapters International UAP Chapters (as of March 2019) (as of March 2019) 63 119 Number of UAP members (as of April 2019) Approximately 21,000 Filipino APEC Architects Filipino ASEAN Architects (as of February 2019) (as of April 2019) Number of UAP Members in Good Standing (as of April 2019) 399 16 APPROXIMATELY Members of the College of Fellows (as of April 2019) 22 PISO FAIR CPD SEMINARS (as of March 2019) MORE THAN MORE THAN UAP RFID 49 UAP RELEASED (April 2019) (as of March 2019) 1600 4000 ACCREDITED CPD SEMINARS (as of March 2019) MANILA TIMES MEMBERSHIP CARDS ARTICLES 2018-2019 Annual Report 23