The UAP National President's Report The UAP National President's Report | Page 11
The Presidential
Chain of Office
The Chain of Office is recognized by all as a symbol of dignity, authority and
responsibility inherent in the principal elective office. The bearer has the sworn
duty to protect this instrument of civic legality at all costs.
In the past, the leadership of the UAP had been transferred from an Outgoing
National President to an Incoming National President through the transfer of
a gavel that symbolized the transfer of leadership.
Today, the UAP installs the Presidential Chain of Office to give honor and respect
to the highest position in the organization. UAP also installs the Past President’s
Medal to recognize the services of the outgoing UAP National President at the
helm of the organization.
The Presidential Chain of Office will be conferred on the incoming National
President of the United Architects of the Philippines in fitting rites during the
Turnover Ceremonies. The Transfer of the Presidential Chain of Office symbolizes
that the presidential power is being relinquished orderly, peacefully with dignity
and without reservation.
The Presidential Chain was designed by Architect
Edric Marco Florentino in year 2001.
(From left) Past National President Arch. Prosperidad C. Luis, FUAP, LIKHA, AA, APEC Arch., National President
Arch. Benjamin K. Panganiban, Jr., FUAP, AA, APEC Arch., DFRIA (From right) Immediate Past National President
Arch. Guillermo H. Hisancha, FUAP, AA, APEC Arch., DFRIA
In medieval times, the official seal of community, in the form of a medal, was worn at the neck by the
Chief Magistrate, suspended from a sturdy chain to identify leadership in the community. In many parts
of Europe, most particularly in the United Kingdom, no less than kings, queens, and other government
and civic dignitaries wore a heavy gilt chain around their necks to symbolize authority
In present times, many have adopted the wearing of the Chain of Office. Almost all distinguished
organizations and great religions follow certain rituals associated with the “Presidential Chain of Office”.
- The upper part of the Chain of Office is an ionic-
capital that represents Architecture.
- The shaft of the drain contains the logos of the three
organizations that were unified to form UAP in 1975,
the logos linked to one another by a UAP medal.
- The bases of the chain converge unto the UAP Logo,
to signify the merging of the three organizations.
- The smaller rays surrounding the medal symbolize
the many achievements and glorious moments of
the organization, UAP.
- The 3 sun rays, representing the 3 organizations,
meet at the center of the medal containing the UAP
logo to emphasize their unification.
- The 3 pointed sun rays, a design similar to that of
the Philippine Flag, represent the country’s main
island groups: Luzon, Visayas & Mindanao.
2018-2019 Annual Report