The Two Week Diet PDF / eBook: Brian Flatt's System Free Download | Page 37


Most people I know are guilty of not drinking enough water . Drinking adequate amounts of every day is absolutely essential for weight loss . If you don ’ t drink enough water , you will simply not get the full weight loss effect that you ’ re after .
Water helps your kidneys work at full capacity . When your kidneys aren ’ t working at full capacity , the liver needs to help out . The problem with this is that the liver is responsible for metabolizing fat in your body . When your liver is helping out the kidneys , it can ’ t do its job as well as metabolizing the fat we need to burn .
When on The 2 Week Diet , you will lose water weight along with body fat . Remember , water weight is still weight and partly responsible for your body bloating and tight fitting clothes . The fact is , carbohydrates are hydrophilic ( which means they cause water retention ) and water retention is not something we want . Protein , on the other hand , encourages water to be released from the body .
Once you restrict your carbohydrate intake , you will begin to let loose the stagnant water that is being stored in your body . Because of this , it is essential that you consume enough water every day to avoid dehydration . Further , water acts as your body ’ s filter , flushing out dead cells and waste . Because you are burning a great deal of fat during The 2 Week Diet , you will need ample water to help flush out the byproduct waste of fat burning .
You will find that when you restrict the amount of carbohydrates you eat and increase the amount of water you drink , your body stops storing water and will begin to use it more effectively . This results in a lighter and “ cleaner ” body .
My advice is to drink 8-10 glasses of water every single day . This amounts to about half a gallon of water . This may seem like a lot of water at first and you may have to actually force yourself to drink that much in the beginning . However , once you do this for a while , you will regain your natural thirst and actually be thirsty for this much water every single day . And again , once you begin drinking this much water , you will find that your body will not retain water , but will instead use it to flush your system , keeping it clean and functioning right .
The 2 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 37