The Two Week Diet PDF / eBook: Brian Flatt's System Free Download | Page 28

HOW WE GET FAT Modern medicine, weight loss “gurus” and so-call fitness “experts” have been telling us the same ol’ outdated, bogus advice for years: “Losing weight is just a matter of eating less and exercising more” or “We get fat because we eat too much fat” These ideologies are better known as the “Calories In/Calories Out” and the “Fat Makes us Fat” theories that have been proven time and time again to be complete nonsense. These diets fail to take into account our bodies and how food is metabolized and take the easy way out by implying that anyone who is overweight is either eating too much fat or they’re just plain lazy. It points the finger at us and it refuses to acknowledge what science has already proven… Carbohydrates Make Us Fat I know…I know…you’ve probably heard that one before. Perhaps you even gave it some credence for a while. Maybe you’ve even tried a low-carb diet or the Atkins Diet (or something similar) but found it just wasn’t for you. Unfortunately…if you truly desire to lose weight fast, drastically redu cing carbohydrates is an absolute must. If you don’t want to…or just feel like you just can’t give up carbohydrates for the next 2 weeks, then truthfully, there is nothing that can be done for you to lose weight except for hours and hours in the gym and severe calorie restriction over a period of 5-6 months. However, if you truly want to burn 10-20+ pounds of body fat in the next 14 days and if you’re willing to follow this diet without deviation—then I personally guarantee that you will lose weight. If you continue reading, you’re going to learn exactly why carbohydrates cause us to get fat…and you’ll learn exactly what to do about it. The 2 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 28