The Two Week Diet PDF / eBook: Brian Flatt's System Free Download | Page 13

14 DAYS TO MAKE A HABIT Research has shown that it takes approximately 14 days for us to develop a new habit. This means 14 days of eating healthily... 14 days of going to the gym... 14 days of doing whatever else it might be that you want to turn into a lifelong habit. Too often, when we try to create a new habit in our lives we take a step back and see it as some difficult burden that will last forever, and then it seems impossible. We effectively sabotage our goals by looking at them in the wrong way and letting them overwhelm us. So, instead of starting with thoughts about making a new habit for life, you can make it a lot easier by simply telling yourself that you are just going to “try” this diet for 14 days. We can all do 14 days, right? Let your brain “know” that once this “trial period” is over, you can go back to your old eating habits. Then, while your brain lets you participate in this “trial,” it will also be working to form new neural pathways once it realizes that the new habit has benefited you positively in some way. This is the science behind habit development, so keep that research in mind as you approach change: it takes approximately 14 days to develop new habits or to break old ones. That's doable right? In the case of The 2 Week Diet, your brain will notice that it now takes less work to move your body during the day because it has shed so many pounds. It will notice the increased energy you have as a result of your daily walks, weekly resistance training and other exercise components of this system. Your brain will also take note of your physical appearance, your muscle tone and how your clothes are now much looser. Basically, your brain will see remarkable rewards that will strongly encourage you to stay on the path of good eating and good exercise habits. Now, understand that research has shown that neural pathways can be permanently attuned to any habit (even the bad ones), which means that bad habits can resurface when triggered again. This means that you need to stay constantly aware of your thoughts and avoid engaging in your previous bad habits. It sounds hard, but you now know that after 14 days it’s much easier to resist temptation; your mind will have changed, just by waiting! You will soon be able to indulge in your favorite foods again without cravings taking over your life. My intention with The 2 Week Diet is not only to burn fat away fast, but also to create new, more helpful ways of eating and enjoying regular exercise that will stay with you forever. Reward, not punishment will ensure that you get the body you’ve always wanted and that you’ll keep it for life. The 2 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 13