A chance to earn money for
undergrads and leavers!
Putting our house in (even
better) order
Monday 10th July – Monday 24th July
2017 inclusive: spend two weeks with 13
young OWs as a telephone fundraiser for
The Wykehamical community has
generously supported the School since its
foundation: donations from OWs, OQs,
parents, dons and Friends have helped us
to increase bursary provision, maintain
our historic buildings and improve
facilities. A wonderful legacy has been
built up for future generations of
Wykehamists and we would like to make
sure that we can carry on this tradition of
Why you should apply
앫 Two days training
앫 Earn a minimum of £8 an hour and
앫 Evening and weekend calling
앫 Free accommodation
앫 Invaluable networking with OWs and
current parents
앫 Improve your communication skills
앫 Learn about the art of negotiation
앫 Looks good on your CV
If you would like further information, or
would like to apply for the role, please
contact Tamara Templer, Deputy Director
of Development, [email protected],
01962 621 407
In 2015 there was a great deal of news
coverage about the unfortunate Olive
Cook and charity fundraising practices in
general: in response, the Government
commissioned Sir Stuart Etherington to
review fundraising regulation. One of his
main recommendations, the creation of
the Fundraising Preference Service, would
work in a similar way to the Telephone
and Mail Preference Services. The FPS
will give the public the opportunity to opt
out of communications from all charities,
including post, email and telephone calls.
As we are a charity, we will be covered by
any new rules.
In addition to this, the new General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come
into force in 2018 and will replace the
1998 Data Protection Act. To comply
with the new law, the School will need
your consent to contact you. You will
have to opt in, rather than opting out,
and will have to let us know how you
would like us to communicate with you.
So that we comply with the GDPR by
2018, we will, within the next 12 months,
send you a form to complete or may call
you to confirm that you are happy for us
to carry on keeping in contact with you:
inviting you to events, updating you
about our fundraising priorities for the
future, and even sending you your copy
of The Trusty Servant!
OW Civil Service Guild
Andy Ryan (A, 01-06) and Piers Fotiadis
(A, 99-04) are exploring whether there is
an appetite for an OW Civil Service
Guild. The plan would be to run events
for both current and former OW civil
servants to share experience and
expertise. There may also be opportunities
to provide advice to current Wykehamists
who are interested in careers in
government. If there is a sufficient level of
interest, Andy and Piers will aim to
organise the Guild’s opening event for
late 2016/early 2017. Please get in touch
at [email protected]
Treasury donors: Gough, Loveday, Du Boulay; Nightingale looks on
Eager to avoid being seen as less socially
progressive than Eton and Harrow, a small
band of OWs have established an alumni
association for gay and bisexual OWs: the
OW Cornflowers. A website is being
constructed, where interested OWs can
sign up – – and a
launch event is being planned for the
spring, as are potential joint events with
the OE Dragonflies and the OH Byronics.