The Trusty Servant
Colin Badcock Celebration Lunch: on Tuesday 26 th March,
a small ceremony was held in Cloister to unveil a plaque
to commemorate the life and generosity of Colin Badcock
(Coll, 39-43; Co Ro, 49-76; Fellow, 77-92). This was
followed by lunch in the Warden’s Lodgings.
OW NZ Dinner: on Saturday 23 rd March a small but select
gathering was held at the George Hotel, Christchurch,
coinciding with a visit by the Director of Development.
L-R: Peter Young (C, 61-66), Catherine Black, Anne Young,
Patrick Medley (G, 70-74), Denise Medley, Bryden Black (C,
64-68), Lorna and Gary Stoddart.
Badcock-vintage Chawkerites all: Hugh Purser, Rupert Hill,
James Younger, Roger Lambert
OWMS: Freddie Stourton reports: I thought you might be
interested in the attached, taken on Saturday 30 th March.
Five OWs (all 2008-13) still together at the Imperial College
School of Medicine Final Year dinner - 11 years on from
when we first met!
OW HK Dinner: On Tuesday 26th March 2019 20
people attended a seafood and steak themed dinner at
Porterhouse in Lan Kwai Fong organized by Fergus Fung
(E, 89-94).
L-R: F Stourton (I), J Truell (H), G Fletcher (A),
H Brundle (Coll), M Fung (E)
Future OW Hurlingham Club Members’ Dinner
The Club is planning to hold a reunion dinner for OW
members on Monday 14 th October 2019. Unfortunately, we
do not have a comprehensive list of those who are eligible
to attend. We have written individually to those whom
we know are eligible and are publishing this notice in an
attempt to expand the list. If you are an OW Hurlingham
member and have not received a letter about the dinner,
please contact Peter Davis (E, 55-60) at davispetera@hotmail.
com with your details indicating whether you might attend.
Please also let him know of any other OW Hurlingham
members you are aware of or ask them to make contact
themselves. Details of the dinner will be circulated in the
early summer. Please respond even if you cannot attend to
enable us to expand our list for future events.