The Untold History of
the Somnath Temple
to the
esides granting the Opening of the Spiritual
Heart, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s
image on the Moon can also converse in any
language. However, the discourse between you and
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s image on the
Moon is not one that is heard by the physical ears.
The Spiritual Heart is a tool of communication;
it receives and sends information. Whatever
question you ask His Divine Eminence Gohar
Shahi’s image on the Moon, you will get the answer
in your heart.
In order to communicate with His Divine Eminence
Gohar Shahi’s image, follow these steps:
Shocking information about one of Hinduism’s most sacred sites
1 Look at His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s
image on the Moon.
2 Ask your question. You can either say it out
loud or simply think about it.
3 You will receive the answer in your heart.
The image of HDE Gohar Shahi on the Moon can
also spiritually heal ailments. Simply look at His
Divine Eminence’s image and ask him to heal you.
The image of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi on
the Moon can be your saviour. In times of calamity
and adversity, when you feel helpless, look to the
Moon and call upon His Divine Eminence Gohar
Shahi for help. There is no condition for his help.
You don’t have to believe in a certain religion or be
from a particular nation. Your gender and sexual
orientation do not matter.
Just say, ‘Gohar Shahi, help me.’ No matter who
you are, HDE Gohar Shahi’s help will arrive swiftly
without any delay.
ne of the most interesting sites of Hindu
reverence is the legendary Somnath Temple
(Temple of the Moon God) in Gujarat, India.
It is one the twelve jyotirlinga pilgrimage sites,
which are believed to be locations where Lord
Shiva (a form of the Supreme Being and Creator of
the Universe) made an appearance. A jyotirlinga is
the main statue found in the temple. Worshippers
at the Somnath Temple believe that the Lord lives
in the Moon.
According to traditions of Hinduism - which
is more accurately described as Sanatan Dharma
- the Moon is the storehouse of Soma, an elixir of
immortality which only deities could drink.
Throughout history, the Somnath Temple
was destroyed and reconstructed on numerous
occasions. According to accounts, one particularly
brutal raid was done in 1024 by Mahmud of
Ghazni, a Turkish-Afghan ruler whose objective
was to rob the temple which was home to riches
like pure gold and brilliant jewels.
In order to glorify their ruler, Turkish and
Persian writers of the time portrayed Mahmud’s
burglary as a religious victory of Muslims over
Winston Churchill rightfully said, ‘History is
written by the victors.’
Therefore what we know of Mahmud’s invasion
are the details that show him in a triumphant light.
Not many details of his invasion are recorded
from other sources, so history only explains how
Mahmud plundered the Somnath Temple and
destroyed its jyortirlinga. What isn’t so well-known
is how many times Mahud attacked the Somnath
Temple and failed to invade it - and why.
His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains in light
of his spiritual insight that the positioning of the
Somnath Temple and the jyotirlinga inside it are
of utmost importance.
His Holiness reveals that Mahmud attempted to
raid the Somnath Temple twelve times. Every time
he tried, he failed. He was then advised that the
reason he was unsuccessful was due to a mystical
power protecting the temple.
The Secret of Somnath Temple
The jyortirlinga in the Somnath Temple was modelled after His
Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s image on the Moon, which has
existed since the creation of the universe.
The positioning of the statue was such that on the 14th night
of every month, concentrated rays of the Moon would fall upon
it. Those who prayed to it at that time would have their prayers
During the era of Mahmud of Ghazni, there were many
devotees who resided in the temple. One such disciple revered the
principal statue in Somnath Temple so intensely that he managed
to absorb the image in his heart. Mahmud was advised to kill the
devotee whose heart housed the divine image and destroy the
statue first in order to successfully raid the temple, for it was the
power in the divine image of the Moon that was safeguarding
the temple from his attacks. This is why Mahmud destroyed the
jyortirlinga in the first instance and killed every worshipper in the
temple for good measure. 500 devotees reportedly lost their lives
and Mahmud of Ghazni stole 20 million dinars’ worth of treasure
from the Somnath Temple.