The True Mehdi Issue 02 - February | Page 17

He says , ‘ The best among you is one who has God ’ s love in his heart whether or not he practises a religion .’
His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi explains it well in His book , The Religion of God ( Divine Love ).
Many of those ( Muslims or non-Muslims ) who failed to join this League of Mehdi would join the Anti-Christ ( Dajjal ). In the end , there will be a bloody war between the forces of Imam Mehdi and the Anti-Christ . Followers of Jesus Christ , Imam Mehdi and Kalki Avatar will be united and will defeat the Anti-Christ . The majority of the followers of the Anti-Christ will be killed , and their survivors will live in fear and helplessness quietly . Imam Mehdi and Jesus Christ will reign over the hearts of humanity . Peace will prevail in the entire world . [ THE RELIGION OF GOD ( DIVINE LOVE ), P . 47 ENGLISH EDITION ]
As His Divine Eminence explains , the world will be divided into two groups : the followers of the Anti-Christ and the followers of the Awaited Imam Mehdi / Messiah / Kalki Avatar and Lord Jesus Christ . Both groups will consist of people from all backgrounds and religions ; one group united in hatred and the other united in divine love .