The True Mehdi Issue 02 - February | Page 2

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Who is Imam Mehdi ?


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Is the Anti-Christ a false Messiah or a False Mahdi ?
Muslim-Jewish Relations : An Analysis
The Anti-Christ According to Prophet Mohammad
Recognition of the Anti-Christ
The Identity of the Anti-Christ
Wahhabism : Mischief of the Anti-Christ


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Jews and Christians are not Infidels According to the Koran

Who is Imam Mehdi ?

The concept of Imam Mehdi in Islam differs among its denominations . Every sect has its own notion of who Imam Mehdi is and what his purpose is in the world . What every sect does agree upon is that Imam Mehdi will appear in the end times and establish justice in the world .
Similarly , every religion has its own concept of an Awaited Saviour who will provide salvation to mankind in the end times . He is known as the Promised Messiah in Judaism and the Foretold Kalki Avatar in Hinduism . This begs the question : if all religions awaited different saviours of equal power , would there not be a divine tug of war between them ?
It simply means that humanity awaits a single personality , who is known by different titles in different religions .
Due to the misguided concepts of Imam Mehdi presented especially by the Shi ’ ite and Wahhabi sects , the West has been given a corrupted concept of Imam Mehdi that has no basis in reality . They have been led to believe that Imam Mehdi will be a figure catering to the Muslims of Iran or Saudi Arabia , who will be hostile towards the West . They have come to see Imam Mehdi as a threat to their very existence . This misperception has also been made popular by authors such as Joel Rosenberg , whose book , The First Hostage , paints Imam Mehdi in a diabolical light .
The purpose of this magazine is to disprove the false image of Imam Mehdi portrayed to the world and present the original concept with references from holy scriptures .
We authoritatively proclaim that Imam Mehdi is not a warrior . His message of divine love and peace is universally acceptable . He is not an enemy of Israel , the Jewish community , the USA , Christians or any other religious or national group . He is the one awaited by all mankind and he shall establish the Kingdom of God on Earth alongside Jesus Christ .
This magazine is published by Messiah Foundation International , a non-profit organisation that aims to promote interfaith unity . It is supported by voluntary donations and is not for sale .
The purpose of The True Mehdi publication is to clear misconceptions about the Awaited Imam Mehdi , deliver Imam Mehdi ’ s unifying message of divine love to humanity and promote his revolutionary teachings .
The True Mehdi is printed monthly by Messiah Foundation International in London , United Kingdom .