The Trial Lawyer Winter 2022 | Page 25

1 . Am I beginning to lose other people by keeping that person in the seat ?
Tolerating sub-performance or negativity by one employee brings the whole organization down . Talented and motivated employees want to work with others that are like- minded and similarly talented . It ’ s no surprise that some of your best employees may not stay if they are surrounded by others who are far below them in attitude and performance .
Likewise , negative employees or those whose ideologies aren ’ t congruent with your firm ’ s culture can jeopardize the health and stability of the culture you are working so hard to create and maintain . One bad apple can certainly spoil the whole barrel . Poor attitudes and / or poor performance by one critical team member can spread negativity , complacency , and toxicity throughout the organization . You may not even be aware of the problem , even though others in your firm may be struggling and suffering silently . This is one of the reasons I encourage law firm owners to hire slow , but fire fast .
And here ’ s a case in point to illustrate the need to let go of problematic employees or attorneys , even when they are proficient in their job : At a recent PILMMA Mastermind
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