The Trial Lawyer - The A-List 2024 | Page 22

Like anything , you need to build your use of social media with intent . Who is your target market ? Is it other lawyers to refer you cases ? Is it directly to consumers to hire you ( or a referral partner )? When using social media , regardless the platform , always be mindful that you want to do it with purpose . What leads am I hoping to generate ? What am I trying to build ? I think if you are looking to pursue your passion , make that your niche . Let others know this is what you love to do , and why you are a specialist in this area . Selfie videos go a very long way . If you are uncomfortable in front of the camera ; blogs , narrated videos , writing articles , etc . are also fantastic uses of social media . So are memes ! But remember , is that meme I am generating going to lead to the traffic and revenue of which I seek ? If you go to @ planetfunbob on IG ( that is me !), you will see a mix of fun with education advice for trial lawyers and those looking to start their own firms and prosper . It is intentional . First , I love this stuff . Second , it leads me to referrals for stuff in my firm ’ s niche . Most lawyers outside of California know that I am their trusted partner in that state . Why ? Years and years of content letting folks know , sharing our results , and giving back free information and practical how-tos to show everyone that we know what we are doing . I generate a lot of business through our podcasts , Justice Team Podcast , and Bourbon of Proof . Both on the Justice Team Network . Staying top of mind and being a trusted brand is very important . So which social media do you use ? They are all very different . Different on who is on there , the messaging you put out there , and what tends to “ stick .”
1 . LinkedIn — this is more business . Funny does not work as well . This where you are looking for businessto-business referrals and establishing yourself as a true specialist . There are even certain AI Tools that talk “ LinkedIn .” If you use Taplio or GetMunchAI , both have a specific cadence for this platform . You should be posting daily . Words and articles tend to do far better than pictures and videos .
2 . YouTube — when posting on YouTube , think education . I once sat down with Tom Kherkher , aka Attorney Tom , on YouTube . 600K subscribers and millions of views per post . They love 10-12 minute segments , which break down cases or issues . He films a lot of educational content around cases he will either help people with himself , or , cases he knows the best referral partner for . He has referred out thousands , yes thousands , of cases a year . He keeps very few selected cases that he is passionate about with his firm . Less than 20 ! Like change the world and create new practice areas kind of stuff . Tom is a true case study on how you can pursue your passion and leverage social media . Because his views so high , YouTube is literally paying him to advertise ! He does all of this very low cost . He now has a golf simulator in his Houston office , with a studio , and knocks out intentional content all day long . You can then take those videos and cut them into shorter form content and place them on YouTube and the other social platforms to case a wider net . Oh , and he is not even 30 !
3 . Instagram — this is one that I personally am more active . More of my people I am marketing ( other lawyers ) are hanging out . Great for shorter videos , REELs , and photos . In order to do very well on this platform I suggest commenting a lot on other people ’ s posts for engagement and doing REELs . These are short videos , which again should fit your narrative on the intent on which you want to use . Come from a place of education always . Like , if you want workplace injury cases , talk about laws and how they apply in your state . Or examples that you have seen in your practice . If anyone has any questions , feel free to reach out . A great case study of someone generating a lot of employment leads , and pursuing his passion of helping works , is Ryan Stygar aka Attorney Ryan on IG . All his content is informing workers of their rights . New laws . Etc . He is getting more phone calls than he can handle ( and Attorney Share will be solving that for him !) By just using this free platform , he is getting millions of views , and even landing spots on prominent talk shows
20 x The A-List